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Color Code: Green
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/3/2016 9:34 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 658
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Ideas for the sub phases and sub flags/tags of time
Start Date: 2/2/2016
Main Status: Active

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Quick note from a meeting with Russell and Alan dealing with elements of time. We could potentially get in there and add three flag, tag, grouping - type fields on the main element of time. We could then help control those fields through the time templates. The end goal is somewhat of a mix between what we did for the categories inside of the media/content piece and how the sub action status logs are used. Anyways, if we could record the last known values on the main (similar to action status logs) and then also record the history of the changes (similar to action status logs) that would be super cool.

Anyways, the idea is to create a number of special flag and/or tag type fields. We could then possibly name them, setup rules, and even populate special drop-downs per template. This could end up being a mix between sub dates and time and sub action status logs. The trick is allowing the user to control the usage, the values, and the categorizing and grouping for the elements of time.

See time id # 624 for some more ideas on the subject.

Here are some possible database pieces:
main elements_of_time table: special_flag_1, special_flag_2, and special_flag_3 - These could be varchar(100)'s. This is where the last known value would be stored on the main. If we needed, we could even add as many as 5 special flags. That should give plenty of options.

On the time_templates table: we could add a number of new fields to help control each of the sub flags and special tags. They could be fields like: use_special_flag_1 (yes/no field), special_flag_1_name (what to call it), special_flag_1_list (any possible drop-down values - example: ordered|packaged|shipped|returned|back ordered), special_flag_1_default (what to use as a default), special_flag_1_show (1 or a 0 for show/hide options), special_flag_1_admin_only (1 or a 0 for allowing only admin users to interact with the field - default would be 0 or open to all users).

Anyways, I think we could add similar settings and fields for all 3-5 special flag fields. That would allow us to control a number of special values. Just some ideas.