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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 5/22/2020 3:37 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6485
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 6/15/2020 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 6/15/2020 10:00 am
Main Status: Active

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On the morning meeting with Steve. It was just the two of us for the whole first hour. We were lightly working on small little projects on our own and chatting and talking about different things. Here are a few things that I thought were interesting:

- Contact flow from different individuals inside the adilas family - the adilas village and rolling out the red carpet. Steve had a screenshot where he recorded how many people had interfaced with a certain client in order to fill their needs. Very interesting. It really does take a village.

- We talked about using a certain percentage of monthly revenue and using that to basically pay commissions, loyalty points, and ownership options. We talked about rules and how that gets applied. We don't have all of the details yet, but talking about year worked, hours worked per month, investment monies made, etc. Also, along these same lines, the percentages would be split up into smaller pieces such as tenths of a percent (1/10) vs full percentages right off the bat. It would allow us to spread things around without giving too much control right out of the gates. Still flexible and being talked about.

- The more we help our clients get what they want, it actually helps them become more sticky (in a good way - they like what we do and want to stick around and stick with our product and solutions). A huge benefit of working with adilas is being able to have a say in how they build out their own business processes. That is huge for us.

- Our goal is to... keep on and keep trying to under promise and over deliver

- Two of the biggest players - so far - have been banks (financial intuitions) and CPA (accounting and oversight) firms. Those are both very big players. Without really forcing this... but almost a preset level of compliance and almost forced (or highly recommended) oversight.

- We keep trying to get more and more organized. This same effort is also coming from other sources and it gaining momentum.

- White labels and how that file and folder paths would work for that kind of stuff. Talking about keeping the adilas core in tact and in place while providing alternate paths and file folders for some of the business vertical (industry specific) or white label pieces.