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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 5/13/2020 12:06 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6395
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Steve, Russell, Brandon and Cory project management strategies
Start Date/Time: 5/18/2020 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 5/18/2020 4:45 pm
Main Status: Active

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Talking about project management, custom reports, custom links and buttons to those reports, and communication channels. Some of our main resources are time, funding, and talent/skills.

Both Cory and Russell were throwing ideas back and forth. Good conversations. Light show and tell about who's on what and what is happening. Both Cory and Russell were talking about setting up a set weekly meeting.

Lots of talks about new data tables and functionality that is both wanted and needed. Big data and huge amounts of records... trying to guide our users to the best tools for the job. Helping to ask them questions and then solve those options. Definite flavor of aggregated data and quick summaries and counts.

Our clients really want to be able to experience their own data in their own way.

Big data is big data... If you are viewing things on a computer or a phone, you still need to scroll. How can we help with that process. We were talking about sticky columns, sticky column headings, smooth scrolling, quick access to filters and sorts, and mobile responsive ideas, options and things. Freeze panes, panels, special windows, etc.

Some people don't like change... but some people really do like change and it is exciting. We may need to play both sides of that. Surprises and forced changes sometimes come across the wrong way. It all comes back to settings. We will try to provide as much backward compatibility but still help push the market and the experience on and on.

There were also talks about permissions, levels, and what data gets provided for each role and/or level. Soo many needs and everybody needs something different. All part of the game.

We even got into some look and feel concepts and where we want to go. There was also some talk about scheduling some of the releases of the new products and features.