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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/28/2020 11:24 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6321
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Russell
Start Date/Time: 4/30/2020 2:00 pm
End Date/Time: 4/30/2020 4:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Two hour meeting with Russell, Steve, and I. Good stuff and we covered a lot of ground. Here are some of my notes:

- We would like to create some CSS snippets and examples. Make it easier for the developers to use good looking code.

- Updating and backing up our WordPress stuff. This is constant maintenance stuff to do.

- We really want to fully use the snow owl theme and the bootstrap themes that we have started to. They look really good.

- Focus on the user experience and keep refining the processes that we already have.

- Helping the customers sell our product by word of mouth. Russell wants to delight our users.

- Russell spent a lot of time pitching the vision to Steve and I. We were buying it... fun meeting.

- Russell wants to do a campaign (focused coding sprint) on revamping the most used pages.

- A small proposal was made for 10 hours a week for 3 months from a small strategic team. We gave Russell approval on that and talked about some plans and ideas.

- As a side note, Russell has been one of the most successful at pitching Steve and I projects, ideas, and concepts. We are excited to see what he can do in the next 3 months.

- Going back to concepts, we talked about some of the awesome ideas that Jonathan Wells has been working on, including building in the advanced search options right into the general pages. Easy exports and ease of use (in general). We also really like his idea of the education mode inside of the main adilas system or core. Able to turn the education mode on/off at the click of a button. Super cool idea.

- Lots of talks about rolling things up into aggregated totals and even doing our own data warehousing stuff.

- Moving our application into more business intelligence (BI) - having the system inform our users what is going on and help them make decisions.

- Tons of future projects. Never-ending refinements.

- User-defined carts and pages.

- The use of CSS variables to consolidate code and make things more efficient and usable.

- Lots of pitching of ideas, flow, concepts, and management styles. We ended by telling Russell that he could manage a small team over the next 3 months with a set focus on refining existing pieces and pages and communicating back with Steve and I. We are excited to see what he can get done. Good stuff.