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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 4/14/2020 4:48 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6262
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Kelly, Sarah, Steve, Cory, Brandon
Start Date/Time: 4/20/2020 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 4/20/2020 2:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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The meeting was originally going to be going over a deep look into the automated P&L (profit and loss or income statement) financial documents and reports. We switched it out and ended up with a group meeting on a different topic, set by both Kelly and Sarah. Good meeting. The main topics were: proposal for performance improvements, scalability, revenue increase, legacy and enterprise planning. Here are a few notes and topics covered:

- Upgrades and helping our clients get the service levels that they want. This could be dedicated boxes, clusters, VPS environments, clear out to full on enterprise type solutions. Each upgrade needs to come with a cost. We just can't do this for free as our base level product.

- Charging the correct amount for certain service levels

- What ways do we communicate and how are those channels working? Email, text, phone, GoToMeeting, Zoom, elements of time, pass along from our clients, etc.?

- Kelly and Sarah would like to get a list of who does what and who is in charge of what aspect (task or position).

- Both Kelly and Sarah were filling the role of business consultants in this meeting. Great questions and trying to keep the subject on target or on task.

- They, both Kelly and Sarah, are somewhat doing an analysis  and seeing where they can help and how best to structure things. I was impressed, they seem like they want to take an active roll and help the whole business become more fluid and efficient.

- Top priorities from Steve - cash flow, servers, customer care, and new UI (user interface).

- Light talks about sales and marketing

- Top priorities from Brandon - servers, current projects, maintenance, R&D, and planning for the future - including new look and feel for the whole system

- Cory is currently doing a great job pushing forward the custom and internal projects - project coordinator

- Charging for storage, processing, and hosting of the software package

- Software is a constant process of refining and building

- What does our team look like?

- What are the future goals? Short term, medium, and long range goals?

- Time management and where we are going

- Concept of as a trust

- Getting business consulting for adilas done by adilas power users

- Cofounders and a small village