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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Eric Tauer
Created By: Eric Tauer
Created Date/Time: 4/10/2020 9:21 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6248
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Renee's List
Start Date/Time: 4/13/2020 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 4/13/2020 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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- Quick update between Eric, Steve, and Brandon about some 3rd party solutions and their API socket access and traffic (server weight and traffic requests). Sometimes we get weird spikes in load and traffic. Some light talks about what some of the these 3rd party solutions are doing and/or requesting. We may need to get Wayne involved with this and see what requests are being pushed through (backend logging and reports).

- Database Admin stuff and helping us find slow or bigger queries and helping to prioritize the refining of those pieces. Making things smoother and smoother.

- Talks about custom code lists of corp id's and pulling that list into code as needed. Sharing those lists between developers and/or making it part of the database and being able to pull in data fed data. We also talked about data controlled lists and being able to assign certain 3rd party solutions to certain corporations. Almost a secret list of sorts dealing with who can play and who has access.

- Silly subject about data and how it gets abused by outside parties. The silly subject of "data rape" and getting access to data from parties that don't really need access to everything. Talking about 3rd parties who virtually rape (misuse or abuse) the data to get more info than they should. For example, once the invoice info window or door gets open (normal API sockets), we have seen that the 3rd party companies are going clear back in time to get all of the sales history. The name is probably wrong, but it is what was being said as part of the conversation. Sort of silly. Basically abuse and/or misusage of information and expectations of parties, vendors, and our clients or system users (corporations and companies).

- Talking about a new page to bring in a quick item or items. Industry-specific flow and what the different levels would be. For example: What is your business vertical, any sub selections, any state-specific requirements, etc.? We then show specific pages to help gather the information and the flow.

- Lots of other good talks about label printing, automating things, and industry-specific skins, flow, and options.