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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/3/2020 3:59 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6219
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Jonathan needs the GoToMeeting account
Start Date/Time: 4/7/2020 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 4/7/2020 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Private demo between Jonathan Wells and some other clients and reps.

- How can we make this easier and more virtual handrails (keep people on course). Easy out of the box.

- We have built on top of some of these pieces over and over again.

- 2 main things - navigation (go and do) and reports (view and see)

- Trying to get rid of human error - as much as possible

- Anything that can be automated, let's do it.

- Renee really wants to make sure things are being dealt with and she is being heard.

- Who do you want to be as a company? Piecemeal or fully funned - also the size of your business.

- They run their business from the numbers side of things (mix of operations and accounting).

- There is some pain if you try to mix tons of different software packages.

- In a closed loop system, you get cause and effect type relationships.

- Human errors - being able to look at those numbers and making changes. If we could get rid of a number of those human errors that would help.

- Time to get things done - if I can enter it at the source, game on. If I have to go back later, no deal. That makes it really tough.

- There are a lot of tasks that are done outside of the adilas system. Currently, the client is using a number of spreadsheets, label printers, etc.

- Learning navigation

- Bouncing from page to page and end up being left on certain screens - doing things that take you full circle so you are back where you started from.

- Labels and auto printing

- Industry specific code vs a general or generic system

- The client wants to see a start to finish process. I login in, I then clock in/out, I start a cart, I add a customer, I do whatever...

- How can we help you - through settings and configuration - toggle on/off

- On invoice homepage and invoice reports. They would like to see time.

- Being the brains behind other peoples offerings.

- Using X-ray vision, can we see under the covers and see what is really making this thing work?

- Defining our mission and our purpose - that could be really huge.