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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Shannon Scoffield
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 3/10/2020 12:03 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 6108
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Working with Shannon
Start Date/Time: 4/16/2020 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 4/16/2020 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (2)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
value_add_on_core.jpg   Image/JPEG 4/29/2020 Value add on core graphic. Small concept of layers and value add-on's.
PresentationGalleryOutline.docx   Doc/Text 4/16/2020 Working on Business Intel section. Harvested some more content from meetings that happened just this week with Brandon, Steve, Cory, Kelly, and others. Kept putting things into categories & pairing down our harvested ideas.


Great little work session meeting. We started out and Shannon and I went over some of the new updates and happenings. It is amazing how quick things change in our world. After the update and chatting about new changes, we spent the rest of the time brainstorming on business intelligence (BI) and how that plays in. See attached for our brainstorming (you may have scroll way down the page).

- Shannon and I were talking and drawing small models of the power packed core (transactional data core - main part of the system) and then how we could add value add-on's going around it. Think of a small target with a couple different rings. The inter ring is the adilas core or the transactional data core. Then the rings around that would be the other add-on value rings.

- Here are some possible value add-on rings that could play into our model... once again, just brainstorming...
1. The adilas core and transactional data core
2. Industry specific skins, white label, or add-on's
3. Custom code, skins, API sockets, or 3rd party integrations
4. Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard and stats, graphs, and special reports
5. Enterprise level - unlimited options to interconnect multiple corporations - consolidated system

- See a need, fill a need - movie "Robots"

- Our landscape keeps unfolding right before us and even right underneath us - keep adapting

- Harvesting tons of prior work and efforts (some of our new brainstorming efforts - good stuff)

- Value add-on like a car, you need the basics (say the core) and then you may do other value add on's beyond that.

- Custom code and other interfaces are a part of the value added layers (core model with target like rings around the core)

- Industry specific layering, may be multiple levels deep, if needed.