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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Tanner Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/10/2020 5:41 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 5982
Template/Type: Quick Note
Title/Caption: Virtual Post-It Note
Start Date: 10/2/2019
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Tanner Moore - Breaking Down Work Pyramid



Andrew Tarvin -morning keynote

-Humor that works -The missing skill for success and happiness at work

-Teaching fellow workers about humor

-Other humans are a resource that we work with - that is awesome, yet tough sometimes

-Wouldn't it be funny if a human had error messages

-Keep learning

-It is hard to change what you do . . . It may how you do it

-Breaking down work

-We learn the skills to do the job but happiness at work isn't about doing what you love, it's about loving what you do

-You don't need permission to be happy

-Humor is a necessity

-Humor is different than comedy

-You don't have to create it, you could just share it




-What gets fun, gets done

-How can you make your work a little bit more fun?

-Building on what is already there

-How you see a problem determines how you solve that problem

-Come back into it with some humor

-Where there is laughter, there is listening

-Having friends in the workplace

-Build human connections

-When we laugh together, we stand together

-Virtually no limit to laughter - usually, physically, you can still laugh

-Rember, at the end of the day, we are all human

-Knock Knock leadership -add some humor

-To humor is to human

-Take action and start

-One smile per hour - that's a good pace (play off of 1mph)

-You are responsible for your own happiness

-Humor is a choice



Getting Started With CF's Docker Images

By Charlie Arehart

-Both CF and Lucee


-Command box

-PMT=perfomance monitoring toolset

-Docker-compose - put mote ingo to help with the installs

-CF instances

-Docker Toolbox, different tools for different OS, Docker, Docker Desktop

-Container for the image


-Docker as a service

-Exposing ports

-Running programs across different platforms

-Instead of installing . . . just pull/run

-Most Docker images use Linux in the background

-A common Linux kernel and then connecting to those images

-Redis storage vs normal CF session in memory variables

-CF Enterprise: can use with 8 Docker instances, per license

-Environment variables and setting things up

-Docker images are different than instances

-Use --help to get help

-Being able to both start and stop the containers

-Poke a hole and get at other files




Document Workflow and Management Made Easy With ColdFusion by Kailash Bihani

-cf document,  cf presentation, cf spreadsheet, cf pdf, cf image

-cf schedule

-cf document item, cf document section

-cf htmt to pdf, cf HTML to pdf item

-cf chart

-cf pdf form, cf pdf subform, cf pdf form Panam

-cf file

-You can read a pdf and see what the fields are called if needed sanitizing

-Sanitize documents - removes metadata, comments, stamps, attachments, ect.

-Merge and Merging of PDF's 

-Add attachments - no exe, vbs, or zip files to PDF files

-Add stamps - such as approved, denied, final, sold, draft, expired

-Redact/redacted - pull out certain parts of a PDF doc - almost a small snippet - or just cover-up certain pieces

-Document signing

-Archive the document - standards - set the standard to 1b, 2b, or 3b, coming soon is 4b

-cf spreadsheet - can read in and convert data to spreadsheet objects, CSV, HTML tables, and query data

-cf presentation, cf presentation slide, cf presenter

-You can also go from presentation to PDF

-html to PDF---Word to PDF----Query to Excel



Angular for ColdFusion by Josh Kutz-Flamenbaum

-Material, stack blitz, Angular University, NPM, typescript

-Sponsored by Google

-TypeScript 3


-Auto creating background files

-Service layers, view layers

-RxJS - Reactive Interactions with JavaScript

-Observables - save this a cache

-Operators - tons of them

-Marble diagrams

-Observable data cache with update trigger




-Is this too much for me or for my organization? (Question to ask yourself)



Integrating modern day JS frameworks with CF by Jday Ogra


-Why such frameworks 

1.SPA(Single Page Applications)

2.No Manual DOM Manipulations ------- data bindings

-Frontend, rest API, backend

-In Angular use double curly brackets ((some var))

-He was using the Chrome dubugging tools


-This uses a data struck and a methods struck

-REST - (Represental



Sealing Enterprise Applications with ColdFusion by Piyush Nayak

-Matching scaling, features, and usage on an adaptable level

-High Availability, performace, maintainability

-Use API, use app as a sercive, use resource pool, Async not sync, use caching

-Scaling--language--database--network--file system/storage

-Max request workers=server limit * threads per child

-Connection pool size

-Connection timeout

-Max threads

-Max connections

-Connectors and getting and setting the backend Apache Tomcat server

-Maximum number of cached templates

-ColdFusion enterprise Instance and Cluster Manager

-Sticky sessions and session duplication

-Scaling both vertical and horizonal

-Caching objects - cache put and cache get---cf cache

-Using     RAM://somefile.extension

-Async programing and chaining 

-cf log

-cf save content

-Tweaking the underlying Java ot JVM

-Application Performance

-Sroring caches as an external or distributed cache model

-External Cache Options--Redis--Mem cached--JCS--Apache

-Using Redis as an external session storage engine



-Get a list of the top 10 pages and then put a face lift or re-write on those pages - then recycle through the next 10 pages

-Steve . . . using CPA's white label and industry specific--they do the training and sales for their industry

-CPA's are getting more and more hungry--switch between book keeping vs. real accounting--using CPA's as a virtual oversight type program

-Airports - possible solution

-Keep building the business solution (backend and the software application)

-CPA - when they get involved . . . it adds more accountability

-Alan - have him do more pages like the new invoice homepage

-Add graphical homepages as a community funded project

-Connect, people and teams, and then have them report - maybe schedule Tuesdays and Thursdays for report days

-Hit the pause button and make sure we know what they are working on and when they want to report

-Using the buddy system

-Going faster better

-All of us together - collective

-Steve's vision is dealing with CPA's--they become part of the oversight

-CPA's almost go over owners - they look up to them and need them

-Our users are looking for more than a system - they want to help

-Tools and cause and effect

-CPA's - they need a capture of what really happened - then those pieces start falling into place

-Taking about server setup options--Newtek--AWS--Adobe CF Enterprise--Load balancers--Clusters and outside or external caching and session management