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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Alan Williams
Created Date/Time: 1/31/2020 11:54 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5908
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Tim Lyons, Brandon Steve and Cory
Start Date/Time: 4/21/2020 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 4/21/2020 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
talking_with_tim_from_herbo.png   Image/PNG 4/21/2020 Drawing of multiple level deep enterprise type systems. Lots of arrows for flow of money and/or products and services. Most of these pieces are helping us to get the ideas based on the world building concepts.


Tim with Herbo met with Steve, Cory, and I to go over his vision of an fully automated enterprise type system. We met and talked, drew pictures, took notes, and chatted about scenarios, requirements, and flow of goods and services as compared with the flow of money, funds, and financials. Lots of top down controls and bottom up mirrors, mapping, and roll call type situations.

Here are some other small notes:

- Holding companies, nesting corporations and locations going down, trickle down effect, rolling up effect.

- Id's becoming standardized through mappings. Helping to automate parts and processes.

- Attaching additional intel, info, or instructions to certain key transactions that start and/or process other steps of the transaction. For example: A new PO is brought in, a sub routine (recipe/build or assembly) is done on the items and then automatically distributed out to sub companies with instructions on how to pay either the holding company or direct to the vendor. All of this done through a single screen where the product is brought in through the master holding company and then distributed to the sub or affiliate corporations. Think of it as a process that gets started and the rest of the process is defined and setup by the info added to the starting piece in that process.

- How the holding company (higher level company or summary or aggregated company) could process things, cascade info down, get values passed back up, and controlling flow of monies, accounts receivables, accounts payables, bank balances, etc. Full control top down or bottom up. Plus, be able to stack the model as needed. It got pretty deep.

- We went over a number of scenarios and talked through flow and possible processes. Just talking and chatting at this point. Build on what we have. We already have PO's tied to vendors, tied to items, tied to locations... what if we could also tell it to distribute those items to other companies and those transactions could be run based on info in the first corporation. Instructions on how to account for things, how to pay for things, or how to differ payments or liabilities. Pretty flexible but with clear instruction on how the transaction or family of transactions needs to work. I like the word family transactions... multiple, with varied yet specific outcomes. Kinda fun.

See attached for one of the drawings that we were doing and talking about.