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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/2/2020 4:26 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5465
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with the IT Dream Team
Start Date/Time: 1/7/2020 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 1/7/2020 5:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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- 4 things that they offer - technical support, strategy (all kinds), architectural design (all kinds of managed services),  and outsourced CTO (chief technical officer)

- They are good at programming, collaboration, networking, VOIP (voice over IP), integration platforms, and other technical things.

- Steve asked about costs for coding, fixes, and future development. Jacob was talking about strategy vs an hourly rate. Trying to turn it more towards the results of what is accomplished vs a straight hourly fee. They would like to help solve the problems and look toward the future as possible white labels.

- Adilas is on the edge of a growth spurt - we need some help keeping things going - help dealing with growing pains.

- Offer from the IT Dream Team - help us out with our current needs (coding, bug fixes, and even new development), they would like to commit a day a week to helping us out. Say 5-10 hours (it may flex). They would like to be at $300/hour or $6,500/month. There are also some options that we could explore dealing with revenue sharing.

- We want someone to virtually come in and help with certain parts of the process.

- We just want to be the software piece that deal with hosting, processing, data storage, etc. All of the other pieces are up in the air. There are huge needs in setup, training, onboarding, consulting, custom code, support, etc.

- They, ITDT, are already tied in with a few partner setup type scenarios. We are looking for people who want to be a white label supplier for or of our product.

- Our, adilas's, biggest needs are on the development side and also on building out the bigger picture and/or dream.

- Steve was proposing that the sweet spot is outside the system marketing the virtual byproducts on or around the other services that could play into things.

- We fit into the gap between the do it yourselfers and the really big players like SAP and Oracle.

- We allow custom code and we don't cost a fraction of the big dogs. Our biggest competition is tradition. We do compete with other companies but most of the other companies sell pieces, modules, or components. We sell a full system.

- We offer shared servers, semi-dedicated servers, private servers, clusters, etc. From small mom and pops to bigger enterprises. Lots of variables.

- Talking about the value of our time - stepping up to the bar and paying for that value of time, effort, and direction.

- There needs to be a shift in the direction that adilas is going so that we could get the value out of what we are all doing. We are somewhat in a tricky spot... we either need to keep growing naturally or we need to go bigger. The middle ground is a dangerous spot to be.

- We are really trying to get white label companies to run with the potential of running and supporting an industry or business vertical.

- Steve would like to get another pitch from Calvin on what would be possible.

- If we do need to go in different directions, what about the existing pieces? Is there a way to get that code or do we setup an agreement to keep things going on a reoccurring model?