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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/2/2020 2:43 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5463
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Chuck
Start Date/Time: 1/7/2020 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 1/7/2020 3:00 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - As part of our meeting, Chuck was showing Alan both visual pieces as well as backend code for the camp adilas project.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Screenshot of a side by side comparision between the current user homepage (add/edit permissions for a user) and where it could go. The one on the left is the current version. The one on the right is a mock-up of where it could go. Same data.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Screenshot talking about how to show the permissions. Currently have a big long list of permissions with lots of verbiage and what not (see the left side). We talked about breaking things into vertical tabs and maybe showing permissions that way (right).
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This one isn't done yet, but Chuck is working on a mock-up for the user profile page. Talk about adding in horizontal tabs and maybe some vertical tabs within the profile page to break things up. Concepting some new look and feels.


Had Alan on the meeting with Chuck and I today. We wanted to get him in on the projects and getting a high level awareness of what is going on. We started out with the camp adilas project and where that is in the development cycle. Chuck did a demo for Alan and they went back and forth with ideas and questions. Both guys are excited to work together on the different projects.

After that, we rolled into a session talking about some snow owl theme (current look and feel inside the system) changes and where that could go. We looked at some mock-ups for the classic homepage and then then into user permissions and profiles. See the screenshots for some of the new ideas. Still in concept mode but definitely coming. We are thinking of putting a facelift on a number of the high usage pages or places where it looks older or more outdated. We are trying to change up the user experience and make it better and better.

We talked about user profiles, permissions, and allowing templates and presets. We talked about having tabs, vertical tabs, accordion displays (ways to show/hide additional data), floating submit buttons, putting help files and summaries under the gear icon on the side of the page, stash and go with a sock drawer type concept, and even changing the page flow to help the users. Currently, they do an action and may end up on a different page or on a success message. They then have to navigate away to another place or do some other action. Good page flow will really help.

A couple of other topics were mixing tasks and skills to get a job/project done vs a full stack developer (able to go from top to bottom or point a to point z - the whole thing). We may need to help some of our developers get really good at certain tasks to help with efficiency and productivity. We also talked about light messages and helping to lightly push our users towards the newer look and feel and/or new functionality options. We know that we have to be careful there, but we will make some attempts when ready.

After the meeting, Alan and I talked briefly about some of our developers and where we are headed and who could help in what regard.

New note added on 1/8/20 - Danny Shuford contacted me and asked that we make the view only permissions easier to get to. I showed him some of the concepts of where we are going with user profiles and permissions and said that I would add a note to this element of time. The original idea came from Kelly Whyman and Danny brought it to us. Great idea. That may require some special code just because the view only permissions are not standalone permissions. They require the main permission and then the view only permission to limit the options.