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Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/24/2019 12:09 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5341
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with the IT Dream Team
Start Date/Time: 1/2/2020 3:00 pm
End Date/Time: 1/2/2020 4:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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Talking with Calvin and Jacob from the IT Dream Team. Steve joined us part way through the meeting.

- What is the dream?

- Who has access to Calvin and what would that look like and/or cost? Currently, Calvin may be approached by clients, reps, consultants, adilas tech support, and other adilas developers. This may need to be defined more.

- Problem and incident management. Also, change management and future development. We may need to look at some standards such as ITIL (information technology infrastructure library). Great starting point for setting up best practices.

- Communication breakdowns and having too many middle men - adds to loss of communication.

- Helping all of our clients take advantage of new changes.

- Building processes to help standardize things.

- Products that are on our future tick list - text messaging (big and small, group and individual), auto processing (transactional data to aggregated data), label building, and other API socket tools.

- IT Dream Team would like to help us get a strategy of where we are going. Basically an IT partner or part of team on an ongoing basis. An outsource CTO (chief technical officer) type role

- Vertical design and keeping the user involved

- Challenges of just in time project management, just in time funding, just in time bug fixes, just in time development, etc.

- What trends are we seeing and needing? Along those lines, where are we headed and what else if needed? Even to the fact of reoccurring services (IT, servers, developers, management, software, consulting).

- There tends to be a few type of programming - maintenance, bug fixes, and enhancements (new things that need to happen). There is also operational vs emergency needs. If we can be proactive, we could eliminate lots of the emergency type levels. Making a plan and then working that plan.

- We have an independent model... which also allows us to have work (jobs) for you guys as well. There could be a lot of back and forth sharing between clients, projects, and needs.

- Steve was talking about how our end goal, for our model, is helping to bring together operations and accounting (the zipper analogy). Steve was also talking about helping the users really want our product to the point that they need it. The system becomes one of their favorite and most used tools.

- There are tons of other sales type options - we can dream it up and then put together a plan. We would love to play together in different ways. Let's figure it out.

- Knowledge management - key players that have the correct knowledge pieces of the puzzle.

- There was lots of talks about oversight, helping, managing, and even finding the correct solutions on the accounting side of things.

- There were talks about setting up a marketplace that service the adilas clients and markets. It come back to our planning for the adilas café type model. Here is a link to some of our research on the adilas café.

- We were talking about outsourcing some of the babysitting pieces to different CPA firms. Lots of options and vision - huge potential.

- How do we move this thing out to the next level? Let's get some proposals going.

- We have two main things that we could look at. One deals with the development side of things (building and maintaining things) as well as a possible relationship in the revenue sharing and bigger picture.