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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/18/2019 11:46 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5329
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: General
Start Date/Time: 12/18/2019 11:30 am
End Date/Time: 12/18/2019 12:30 pm
Main Status: Active

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After the meeting between Steve, Brandon, and Alan, we kept talking. Steve wants to get Russell on the calendar time options. He is a huge asset that we could use and he would do great.

- We will eventually need to loop in the adilas community funded projects (and other custom projects) and who is doing what. We need to keep pushing on that avenue.

- We also talked about how we open up these opportunities, different services, it eventually feeds the marketplace and creates options for other persons.

- Steve really believes that allowing this more open or custom version of software as a service (SaaS) model is where things are going. We need to keep sharing and opening up the environment. It is managed, but we can do it with our model. Steve was saying open custom software as a service (OCSaaS) or some other name. Cool stuff.

- You are building off of a platform - that is huge.

- A perpetual model - it just keeps going.

- Steve was talking about a class he had in business. He had to decide are we fixing it, selling it, or closing it? Those were the challenges in the class that he had. You had to figure out what to do. It comes down to one of those three main choices (fix it, sell it, or close it).

- Steve was talking about how a reoccurring and perpetual business model is totally possible and where we are heading.

- We want to keep the internal team very small. However, we could harness other companies employees and help them keep pushing the ball forward.

- How can you help us build out this adilas business application (platform)? Steve would love adilas to be the most valuable tool that they have in the closet. Help us lift where you stand. We can work with all kinds of people and keep building together.

- Steve - keep using technology to solve your business needs.

- If you want to play, you have to jump in the water. The water keeps moving. You almost have to be in it to keep playing.

- This adilas model keeps moving. It literally keeps going and you need to be in and on it in order to play the whole game. We will keep involving and touching outside parties and working with and harnessing some of those other resources. We'll keep growing and moving together.

- Light talks about some of our developers and what they offer. We will keep helping to expose some of their products and also the other outside 3rd party solutions.

- Steve and I really want to help our guys have a victory. Keep helping that process to come to pass. Lots of little victories.