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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Shannon Scoffield
Created By: Shannon Scoffield
Created Date/Time: 11/19/2019 12:12 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5216
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Working with Shannon
Start Date/Time: 12/19/2019 11:00 am
End Date/Time: 12/19/2019 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Shannon and I were talking about new happenings inside the system. From Shannon, setting up healthy boundaries - that really helps. Setting up boundaries allows for showing respect for self and for your clients. It is important.

- Dealing with boundaries, we need to setup clear expectations of we go to here, this is provided, this is not, and anything beyond this point (needs to be defined) we need to charge for. It all comes down to expectations and what not. This is where we begin. This is where we end. These are your responsibilities.

- The system really is "as is" - anything beyond that needs to be paid for and covered.

- In a way, some of our clients virtually bully us and just push on us so hard. If we set some healthy boundaries, that really helps.

- Shannon and I went in and looked at a video from Jonathan Wells - video demo of a new adilas nav and layout - As we were watching, we kept stopping things and talking about it. If the link above doesn't work, try this one.

- As we make the things more standard, that will help with navigation, lower the need for training, and general ease of use.

- Putting the settings right where they are used and/or needed.

- We loved the idea that Jonathan had about being able to quick search nav (navigation options, buttons, and links). This allows a user to virtually type in a word like discount and the application would show all kinds of links, options, pages, etc. Super cool idea.

- Education mode within adilas. A switch that could be turned on/off at any time. That would really be awesome.

- Tag line from Jonathan - Where Operations and Accounting Meet

- Being your own style and be willing to go through different drafts and iterations and versions. We get to say and be our own style.