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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/13/2019 11:06 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5204
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Group project - Lead by Wayne and Alan
Start Date/Time: 12/12/2019 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 12/12/2019 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
wayne_more_training_on_unit_testing.mp4   Video 12/12/2019 Video recording of the GoToMeeting training session lead by Wayne. The topic of the day was a deeper look at unit testing and some hints and tips for doing the testing in a more direct way.


Wayne lead a developer's training session on more unit testing and getting deeper into a group project for storing shared files, content, and assets for our clients. Wayne, Brandon, Bryan, Josh, and Alan were on the meeting. Here are some of my notes. See attached for the video recording.

- Setting a focus on certain tests. You could also exclude certain tasks or tests from running. Simple additions to the code. To focus a test, add a "f". To skip or not run something, add an "x".

- Unit testing and virtually telling a story of the steps in the testing process.

- Logical organization of your testing

- Behavior driven design (BDD)

- Talking about ColdFusion mappings, reusing code and creating functions, specs and executable documentation, mocks and creating mock-ups, and other topics.

- There was some discussion about extensions, classes, and sub classes - object oriented programming concepts.

- Creating code in a minimal view or minimal code base mentality

- What are the long term effects and the stability of the code when unit testing is added and/or included (including the confidence in the code base)? How does that effect the whole team and not just the individual who was running or writing the original tests. As a separate question, what do the results mean... think of the others who will one day run these same tests. Pay it forward.

- Thinking about asynchronous function calling and keeping local variables clean without cross-contamination (mixing variables and values due to asynchronous calls and responses).

- More on mocks and pretending to have certain values

- Testing and picking one piece clear through the end and then go back and add the next step. Follow it all the way through.

- The size of our testing code library - start small and where we are and then build up our library from where we are (current projects).

- Going back to your tests before and after you new changes.

- Many different ways of testing code. What is the value of writing tests?

- Keeping things small and tight. Unit testing should be both small and tight.

- Focus on the process (why) of what we are doing vs the what or how we are doing it.