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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/13/2019 11:05 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5201
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Group project - Lead by Wayne and Alan
Start Date/Time: 11/21/2019 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 11/21/2019 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Just for fun... this is a really old screenshot from June of 2010 of the main web site. We used to show some basic stats on the main login page. Just a fun look-back in history. Today's date is 11/21/19. Over nine years ago... Crazy!

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
wayne_day_1_group_project_shared_files.mp4   Video 11/21/2019 This is the first of the group training videos lead by Wayne. We are going to be working on a group project, dealing with shared files and assets between severs. Our goal is to make it available to do more multi clustered type configuration. Some of the video started getting into testing and unit testing.


Team training lead by Wayne. Talking about unit tests and test driven design. The original meeting between Alan, Wayne, and Brandon may be seen on this page: - prior and original notes for the project

Those who were in the meeting were: Brandon, Steve, Alan, Bryan, Danny, and Wayne.

- Unit tests - Using Ortus Solutions and TestBox - Click here for a link to TestBox. In TextBox, all tests begin with the word "test".

- On unit tests, you virtually fake everything else and just test the piece that you want. Super important for complex steps, phases, status changes, variable scenarios, etc.

- On the naming convention for tests... tell it what you are doing, what you are looking for, and what to expect. This is all in the test function name.

- We went into some light instruction on doing some testing.

- Google Wayback Machine - we were having fun looking back in the past (what the Internet looked like in the past). We went way back in the adilas history to 2008 and 2010 and were able to see some archived screenshots. Kinda fun.

See attached for a recording

///////////////////////////// - different meeting

After the main training was over, Wayne stuck around for awhile and talked with both Brandon and Steve. Lots of fun ideas and experiences were being shared. I wish I would have been recording things. Here are some of my notes.

- We talked about project management and writing out full specs on certain projects. Sometimes that is super tough due to limits of knowledge and building what is wanted vs what is being specked. There is a difference and sometimes you don't know until you get into things. It is so important to take more of a try storming type approach vs a strict requirement based set of rules. Things get pretty dynamic.

- How could we sell what we have without breaking the bank? That is huge question. As part of this conversation, we started talking about the SaaS model (software as a service) and how that model is somewhat taking over due to the benefits. We keep making it better and better over time.

- Some of the key things that are driving our sales are word of mouth, businesses expanding (existing companies needing more systems), etc. Not a whole lot of cold calls and direct selling currently.

- Expectations and scope of what is expected... currently, there are no real defined operating parameters. That creates a problem.

- Metrics and controlling what the expectations are and then playing along with that. That could be number of users, locations, invoices, inventory items, bandwidth, storage, processing, etc.

- What are the benefits that the clients are looking for? Figure that out and then show them what you are helping them with. That validates the cost and satisfies a need. What is the value to someone and how do you show/portray that value? Value means something different to every person.

- Going back to the wayback machine - One of the screenshots showed some super general stats, such as: x number of invoices, x number of PO's, x number of expenses, x number of deposits, and total pennies coming in and total pennies going out as of that date/time when the page was loaded. Kinda fun. People want to be able to see their stats.

- Small discussion on who pays for what... someone comes up with a  good idea but then who pays for that? Often that cost is passed back to the core adilas team and we are then tasked with the building, funding, supporting and other pieces. That gets really heavy some times.

- Just an idea... what if we showed what we are contributing to the core... say the new customer loyalty points or the discount engine - Those were thousands and thousands of dollars and were new free features that everybody just gets. We are building on this thing everyday.

- Another subject was... if we build something and nobody else wants it... then who pays for that? Or you have a company that wants something and they request something custom and then nobody else even knows that exists. In that scenario, other people would love to use it, but they don't even know about it. That makes it tricky, especially for who is going to fund that new development and/or maintenance.

- Long story made short, people want their data and access to that data. The battle keeps going.

- Sometimes we only recognize things that are not going well... everything else seems almost a given (what is going good). Well, it takes time and money to get all of those things to run smoothly. That's a challenge.

- Wayne was saying that Steve and I's goal is to help other people catch our vision and then run with it. The trick is getting other people to want to play that game along side with you.