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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Alan Williams
Created By: Alan Williams
Created Date/Time: 11/6/2019 7:00 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5165
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Alan
Start Date/Time: 1/8/2020 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 1/8/2020 11:15 am
Main Status: Active

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- Brief talk about application modes and how that works. This deals with how the system is broken down into the 12 main players or 12 main application players (think of the core layout). The modes work in a similar way. By default, the mode is the "data mode" or information mode. That means what is stored or organized per main player group. For example: All invoice information or data can be found under the invoice button or invoice category. In the data mode, you can get to the data for that main player group.

- If you switch the mode to say: "permissions mode", you would get all of the permissions that are related to that main player group. For our example: Say the invoice button or invoice category. You would get all of the invoice permission. You could do the same thing for settings and other main topics. Basically, you choose the mode and then select the player group. You then only get stuff that is related to that player group.

- The main application modes are: data mode, permissions mode, training mode, settings mode, usage and stats mode, tech/concept mode

- The 12 main application players (main player groups) are: customers, invoices, quotes, items, stock/units, elements of time, employee/users, vendors, PO's, expense/receipts, deposits, and balance sheet items. A couple other main  groups are things like banks, flex grid tie-ins, locations, corporations, media/content, and the list goes on. The primary 12 are listed first.

- The magic comes where you are able to click on a mode (data, permissions, settings, training, etc.) and then select one of the main player groups (invoices, customers, items, vendors, etc.). You are then able to see what plays into that section or group. Mixing the application modes and the player groups, allows for all kinds of combos.

- The concepts above are built from picking the mode first and then the application player group (example: data mode >> lets work with invoices). What if you were able to go the other way (example: work with invoices >> show me the permissions or show me the settings). It may be cool to go back and forth between the ways of interacting with the underlying pieces. As a side note, we do the same thing in a shopping cart (how we create quotes and invoices inside the system). It does matter if you start with the items or you start with the customer, as long as you get both pieces before you checkout, you are golden. Non-linear and information and relationships flow in multiple directions.


- Talking about the camp adilas project

-- 1 person doing Ajax calls (Josh) - hardcoded data is passed back and forth - no real connections to the backend (kinda middle ground), 2-3 people doing the backend wire-ups (Brandon, Eric, Dustin) - deeper or core developers - maybe one to do database connections and the other doing the service layer (wiring), plus the designer (Chuck).

-- We will make a basic concept page that has some different parts and pieces. We will then assign that concept page out to the different developers. The concept page is just so that we can get some ideas and virtual mini library assets.

-- On the concept page, we want to get a full sign-off on that page before we let the other guys advance. That is checkpoint of sorts. The concept page will be somewhat of a group type project just to make sure that everybody knows what is going on. Walk through it with them, then let them drive, give feedback as needed.

-- Set a standard for the new stuff.

-- On the Ajax calls - we are thinking about pulling back actual HTML vs just data - that way we could just replace certain pieces without having to worry about mixing HTML with data.

-- Brandon and Alan will work together on the project management side of things.

-- Have meetings with each role to get them pointed in the right direction.

-- We want to write out test cases as well.

-- We will be creating a new folder for the new camp adilas project stuff. This includes js, css, html, ajax, and code.

-- We will work with Wayne to help with domain pointers and internal mapping.