Basic Assignments
Options & Settings
Main Time Information
Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/4/2019 12:07 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5153
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Jonathan
Start Date/Time: 11/7/2019 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 11/7/2019 6:15 pm
Main Status: Active

Photo/Image Count: 11
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Screenshot of a tile based navigation system. Lots of options to customize things as needed. The tabs at the top are basically saying... go/do and view/see.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - More of a category/list type navigational display. Once again, we would bring in a number of settings and what not. Small note, the list on the far right would be all of the different pages that were possible and/or available as navigation options.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Stylized version of the interactive map of the system. Another possible navigation tool.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Modified core layout with the 12 main player groups or primary toolsets.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Tile nav with options for settings and show/hide options. They could setup the top bar, the tiles, and even add more as needed.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Screenshot of what a dialog box for custom tile/icon settings might look like.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Quick options for adding new customers, deposits, invoices, users, vendors, expenses, etc.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Sample slide out menu. This would be accessed from the left side and would show other options that were requested.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Starting to look into saved favorites and favorite reports. Instead of going and doing... we are starting to get into seeing and viewing (reports).
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - A category view of reports. Similar reports, nested under an icon, a title (category), and then the reports. More settings would play into this page as well.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This is an older style page but showed the concept of a split screen or multiple windows being interacted with at once. This was from when Steve was doing a demo for Jonathan about wanting multiple windows, frames, screens, or mini widgets or apps.


Jonathan, Steve, and I had a good meeting. We covered a bunch of topics. The notes below are what I pulled out of the conversation. Also, see attached for some new screenshots and concept art.

- Giant group project - Steve, Brandon, and Jonathan all working together - mulitple inputs and ideas.

- Jonathan really wants to create an edit "your page" type interface.

- Lots of icons vs tons of text - simplify.

- Fix some of the snow owl navigation to match the settings. This is true on the drop-down menus and possibly on the all_advanced_searches.cfm page. As a note, the snow owl menus have both on canvas and off canvas drop-down menus.

- When the users are searching for categories and navigation options, maybe think about adding in some flags and tags to help find the nav links and pieces. For example: Say you have a page called advanced invoice search. It may be nice if it has flags such as inventory, POS, sales tracking, etc. Help the users find the related pieces.

- Modals and small in-line pop-ups for settigns and drill-downs.

- Lots of talk about custom homepages, pages that are not part of our normal design process or something custom or specific for a certain user.

- Custom navigation options - simple, preset, build your own, help them find the sweet spot (not too many, not too few navigation tiles/buttons).

- We talked quite a bit about the top bar icons (existing) and how many of the users really like those icons buttons.

- What about things like help files, logout, switch corps, customer queue, shopping cart, chooser, saved favorites, my settings, etc. These are some of the existing top button links and icons.

- We have so many clicks... wearing out the mouse pad or the buttons on the real mouse. Pretty deep and it takes a lot of clicking some times.

- The user specific pallet and being able to condition little mini widgets - charts, aggregated page totals, counts, reports, buttons, froms, etc.

- Blank canvas, setup your own tasks.

- Being able to see preset numbers, values, totals, whatever. We will need to figure out what pieces are wanted and/or needed per section. We can figure that out.

- Expanding and contracting things. This could be settings up sizes for mini windows and mini widgets - getting to just the information that you want.

- Steve wants to be able to scroll both up and down. Basically setting an anchor point or starting point for scrolling. He would like to load things and be able to scroll up or down.

- Lots of asynchronous loading. At a different time, we even talked about a thing called lazy loading (prepping behind the scenes).

- Being able to have sub pages built into a bigger master page. Steve liked this idea.

- Split screen, frames, and sub windows. Being able to remember different sizes and persets.

- Seeing what pages are being used the most. That could really help us know where to focus.

- Problems - load time is slow, too many clicks, want to get to info and may or may not want to go to the actual page. We almost need aggregated totals and being able to push and pull that data to different places. Quick totals or mini widgets - specific to a certain task.

- What if we allowed for a multi split screen?

- Going back to tools that you use - set up your own interface so that you have all of the tools that you need for the job - Example: Say a handyman with a trailer full of tools. He will grab what he needs for the current job.

- Help people get to where they are going - analogy: All the tubes of paint on the right, just drag them out and setup your pallet. Hide the clutter and simplify things. When ready, start painting.

- Everybody is going to be a little bit different, help them succeed. Let them pretend that they they are virtually "shopping" for or from a list of options. What do you want? That could be links, lists of options, functions, pages, or preset or known values or counts. All kinds of ways to get things setup - drag it out, click on it, activate it, choose from a list, use preset settings, and then start using it. Just ideas.

- Custom dashboards, custom widgets with stored settings, lazy loading of pages in the background.

- Some people like it, some people don't, but lots of our navigation is "go anywhere" type navigation... being able to jump as needed is a huge thing for us. We love it.

- People get good in the system. Let them fly once they are at that point.

- Two complaints - look and feel and too many clicks.

- Ice berg(s) - there may be multiple pieces sticking up.

- Keeping the cart icon as a valid nav piece at all times.