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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 10/29/2019 11:01 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 5108
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Wayne and Alan
Start Date/Time: 10/30/2019 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 10/30/2019 11:30 am
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This is an older drawing from back in 2015. I was looking for a way to help the developers know that programming is just mixing and blending different tools to get a desired output. This was a small drawing to help with that concept. Blast from the past.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - More inputs, outputs, and tools that we use. Some of these tools were a little bit more advanced as compared with the other more standard drawing. Fun to mix and blend all of the different pieces.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
adilas_features_and_versions.xlsx   Doc/Spreadsheet 10/30/2019 Adilas features and versions as of a certain point in time. Fun spreadsheet with a list of different versions and how the story has unfolded.


- One of Wayne's focuses has been performance on the servers.

- He was wanting to change up the structure without changing tons of the infrastructure. Well, we are getting to the point where we really need to make some major changes to the underlying code.

- Stability wise - processing massive amounts of data at the ColdFusion level - the Tomcat server and getting and pulling data from the databases

- We were talking about clustering both the ColdFusion servers and clustering the database servers.

- One of the known problems is the images, logos, watermarks, and other media/content (outside files). We need a standardized spot to hold and store those assets.

- We need to change the code to help us manage those fixed or user controlled resources.

- On the services, for example: we need a method or API call that does - getCorpLogo - then it returns us the path to the logo, wherever that is and/or exists. The same would be true with things like getPhotoGallery, getMediaContent, getSingleImage, getCorpWatermark, etc.

- As a side note, we are somewhat waiting on Newtek (our server farm) to spin up and release some new virtual machines.

- We have this same stumbling block, meaning user controlled assets, on either clustering things at Newtek or out on AWS land.

- Wayne is seeing a need for more than just himself working on this project. Why not use this as a real life project and incorporate some live project and hands on training? Great idea. Build it out like we want it and do some training along the way. They were talking about training, planning, programming, iterations, unit testing, etc. Basically, using this project as a lead them by the hand project and still get a good product out the other side.

- The goal will be object oriented model, having the developers build it, use it, extend it, build and break, etc. We want to build this app and/or functions together as a team.

- It may be hard to get everybody together at the same time. However, we could record it, make assignments, have them work in teams, etc.

- Wayne really wants them to bring in the unit testing options to make sure we get that part of the puzzle. Leave the project somewhat open and give little projects and pieces and then have them report.

- If we are building as a team, we could go deeper into code review and really turn it into a good teaching opportunity.

- Talking about training... here are the tools - which ones would you use and why? Using technology to video small snippets and resources. Helping to sharpen our developers toolsets and options.

- There are some differences between ColdFusion 11 and ColdFusion 2018. We are trying to move forward, but we do have a few stumbling blocks.

- Talking about versioning and being more standard across the board. Here is a link that Wayne provided:

- Wayne was also talking about git commit messages and how to use those to help with versioning and sub versioning. Here is the new link:

- They were talking about small incremental commits and even squashing some of the smaller commits and then providing a good final commit message. This is somewhat of a style and/or process type question. Where to we want to be?

- Wayne really wants some of the style to be a certain way. He really also wants to enable the other developers to use their own style but still be playing well as a team. He wants to encourage team unity across the board. He wants some standards but still open to input and negotiation. Basically, no dominance on all of the ideas. Keep it open. Once again, where do we want to be? Who do we want to be?

- Learning from experience, yet still looking forward to the future. Opinions are good. There are many ways to skin the cat...

- We have different levels of developers. There are builders, explorers, copy/paste masters, googlers, and those who don't know what they don't know. We at least need to understand what is going on and then go from there. Wayne and Alan were talking about "google foo" (ninja level) and being able to find what you really need on the web.

Just for fun, see attached for some concept drawings of tools, inputs, outputs, and how we mix and blend the tools to get what we need. Fun funnel type approach to problem solving. Small blast from the past.