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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/26/2019 12:07 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4877
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Cory on a project
Start Date/Time: 9/3/2019 10:00 am
End Date/Time: 9/3/2019 11:45 am
Main Status: Active

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The power of recipe/builds. Both Cory and Steve were talking about the potential and ways that the recipes could and do help the build process. They were even talking about unitizing some of the costs using certain recipes.

Cory and Steve wanted to see a demo on the rewards and customer loyalty points. We went through things and they made some comments and had a couple of questions. Mostly they were excited to see us get it ready for release.

Working on the project list and refining some requirements on the multi vendor, multi corp, invoice to PO - one of the time consuming pieces is bringing in bulk raw goods. On the subs being transferred in... could we keep the barcodes the same, both on the parent barcodes and the sub barcodes? The other time sucker is relabeling and printing the labels. Some of the clients are using complex labels (bring a sub package in and tie it to different units of measure). They, the client, are using the custom labels with qr_subId_quantity_price (label format) type thing. They really need mini conversion with the ability to do cross-corp barcode labeling. Mini conversions almost gets into the level of grand children and so on.

Steve would love to build out our internal project management stuff. We would like to build out project timelines and showing progress via timelines and check points. Helping our clients see the work that goes into some of these projects. Including funding, time, labor, check points, progress, etc.

Small talks about bulk check printing and using the keyword "bulk" to help the system assign check numbers on the fly. Steve had a number of be careful/got ya's - such as missing checks, printer eating or destroying a check, jumping out of the process, different check types - say 3 on a page vs single check per page (default). It gets deep on the got ya's. Calvin did some work on the bulk check printing project a couple years back.

Crazy sales tax stuff. We were talking about multi tax rates, buying and selling products and services and then being able to tax things based on where they were sold from and where the products were going to end up. Kinda crazy taxing stuff and mixing and blending special taxes. It seems like taxes are already complicated, and it seems to be heading even deeper. Special sales tax rates per zone, per city, per county, per municipality, per entity, per location. Invoicing, transferring products behind the scenes, special taxing, special reporting and the list goes on. Crazy, crazy stuff.

The deeper we go, the more we are seeing the usage of locations and stores and keeping things straight. That could be inventory levels, needs, sales, transfers, taxes, users, permissions, clients, vendors, etc. It get's pretty crazy. Locations are a huge piece of the puzzle.

We were talking about flex grid tie-ins and being able to expose certain things to the public and certain things internally based on show/hide on the web settings and the reflexive side of the flex grid (crisscrossing flex grid tie-ins and relationships). We are seeing a need for this (it already exists but may not be being used) and we may want to employ more of this type of function.

There was also a small discussion about ideas, limits, and setting up priorities. There are so many ideas... sometimes it gets tough to figure out what or where to jump first. Eventually it comes down to priorities and setting those priority levels.