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Assigned To: Bryan Dayton
Created By: Bryan Dayton
Created Date/Time: 7/31/2019 5:27 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4809
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: SWC - line item location
Start Date/Time: 8/1/2019 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 8/1/2019 6:15 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - We were looking at some possible problems with allowing mixed locations on line items. We don't want to do this... we need to keep the inventory straight. This could be update PO's, internal builds, or transfer invoices. We don't want a mixed bag.


Steve and I were on the meeting before Bryan jumped in. As a side note, we need to be able to focus on a project. We keep getting pulled in every direction. We had a great conversation about direction and what we want to do as we try to focus. Super good stuff.

Bryan, Steve, and I had some conversations about allowing or disallowing mixed locations on the PO and invoice lines. We talked about rules on the location level, on the parent line item level, and even on the sub inventory level. As we talked about it... we really need to keep each PO and/or invoice completely specific. Behind the scenes, we need to help them transfer their inventory via bulk transfers to keep all of the pieces correct.

For documentation, each main PO or invoice is tied to a single location. This is way up high on the main or top level.

Each main PO or invoice then can have any number of line items... (line items). Ideally, each of those line items need to be tied to the same location as the main.

If they go to sub inventory (child packages), it gets even deeper. Each line item (parent line item) is tied to a location. All subs under that parent need to be in the same location other wise you get a disconnect.

As we were talking about it... it almost feels like a need for sub locations and being able to move things from one side to the other. Just an idea.

Steve was talking about a similar need on the production side of things (bringing things together to make something new). They, the companies, have inventory all over the place. As they build the new items, we need to transfer things into the correct spot to make the new product. Bryan is on the opposite side, he is bringing things in and wants to send some of this and that to different locations (spreading or distributing products). It all deals with a background transfer step that either needs to be there and/or should be there to help with the virtual paper trail. Steve would love to help speed up the process and build in the auto transfers and help with the moving and/or tracking of the sub locations and sub phases.

As a side note, we ended up using elements of time to help track the changes in the sub location and/or phases. The main PO's and/or invoices really need to hold on to things pretty tight at the location level. That goes all the way to inventory tracking principles.

Getting back to accounting... we really need to simulate what really happens and then be able to track it all the way out. If you add too many short cuts, you end up loosing yourself. We have to track what really happens. Cause and effect. Interesting that time is a major factor in what happens. Digital story telling.

On a super positive side... Bryan is working hard to come up with solutions. He is really pushing on things.