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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/29/2019 9:20 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4804
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 8/5/2019 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 8/5/2019 12:30 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Brainstorming with Steve about a possible server structure and a way to break away from physical dedicated servers and fixed asset boxes.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
Image (615)_modified.jpg   Image/JPEG 8/5/2019 This is the full size image of the server mock-ups and possible stacking options for our dedicated and shared boxes and server stacks. Brainstorming ideas.


Touching base with Alan and Dustin on their weekends, trips, and plans. Great guys and good stuff. It is fun to see all of the guys figuring things out and having fun in the midst of the crazy stuff. I made a few phone calls out to other developers and just trying to circle the wagons a bit. Emails and other to do list stuff. Wayne popped in for a bit as well. We setup an appointment for tomorrow morning.

Around 10:15 am ish, Steve and I were the only ones left on the meeting. Steve had a number of things that need to be taken care of. I was taking notes (good old post-it notes) and we got into a great discussion about servers and what we have and where we are going. We were talking about our current setup with Newtek (physical dedicated boxes and dedicated servers) vs AWS (cloned images and private and shared stacks and clusters). We also talked some about how we could possibly take an interim step and maybe increase the output and throughput over at Newtek. We started drawing and talking about current observations, options, and known bottlenecks. Great stuff and I think that it will help us out when we talk with Newtek about some options. Along with that same discussion, we talked about possible ways of getting people (other companies or corporations) off the bus or giant shared database environment and into their own databases.

After that discussion, we got into reporting, financials, and switching between transactional data and aggregated data reports. That spun us off into a discussion about how to show and display the P&L and balance sheet values directly from the same page or report over time. We have dreamed about this for years now. If you want, look up "movie" in the developer's notebook. Not all entries apply, but some of them totally deal with running the business financials over time in a virtual movie type format. Showing the growth and flex patterns of a company using the aggregated sums, averages, and totals. Pretty cool idea.

As a direct quote from Steve today - "I would love to teach people about accounting from the balance sheet backwards (meaning where the data came from)."

We also talked about switching to more robust servers, software on the servers, and switching between community and enterprise editions on database models and scripting environments. Lots of possible options. We just keep taking the next logical step (lots of little changes).