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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/29/2019 9:20 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 4790
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 8/29/2019 9:30 am
End Date/Time: 8/29/2019 11:00 am
Main Status: Active

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On the morning meeting with the guys. I got on late. They (Steve and Dustin) were talking about some recent hiking trips into the high country. After that, Eric popped in and needed some code merged in and pushed up to all servers. We got that done and then Steve, Eric, and I started talking about the special accounts and how close we are on the first round. The first round should be up and live by the end of next week. Here are some of our notes, related to that topic.

- The value of the loyalty points - do we calculate at the time of earning or at the time of redemption? Those values may be different.

- What about showing them (special accounts) on invoices or after the fact? Settings and configuration options.

- What about going back in time and trying to figure out dollar/point ratios and values... going backwards gets a little bit tricky. History, financials, and audit trail stuff.

- Histories and drill-downs to activity on these special accounts (big need). Maybe being able to search (quick search style) on special accounts. How do we get to the underlying details quickly? What is the story behind the numbers.

- We are seeing more and more possible settings and configurations for each section and/or type.

- Steve was talking about ecommerce. That may end up being another avenue for some of these special account types (say gift cards, earning loyalty points, etc.).

- We are seeing lots of other needs for these payment type solutions and tracking these sub special account totals, histories, and/or transactions. We are also seeing a mix between both internal (adilas) solutions and external (3rd party payment solutions) accounts of different types. All of them need the special account type mentality and/or flow (mini bank accounts that could be added to and/or subtracted from).

- We are seeing so many different point of sale systems (different POS's and POS competition) out there. We are hoping that some of these outside companies will decide to integrate with us and then help push our product forward. Choose your solution and then invest in that solution. Play the piggy back type scenario.

- One-off's vs core functions and features

- Light talks about barriers to entry and barriers to exiting. The deeper they get (meaning our clients or outside 3rd parties), the more they have virtually bought into the meat of the product and it makes it harder to leave (barriers to exit).

- Steve is seeing a trend where clients are wanting a single solution that does what they need and is highly configurable. We are trying to be that type of solution.

- Beta testing and allowing certain users and clients to jump in on things before a bigger release. We need people to push on things before it goes completely live and full speed.

- Possible problem with bulk loyalty points. We have tons of old custom points vs new automated points. We may need a small bulk migration tool or something like that... this may also be a special custom page that looks at existing logic and then adds new transactions (into the sub special accounts tables) to get the starting balances in place.