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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/17/2018 3:56 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3685
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Payroll requests
Start Date: 4/17/2018
Main Status: Active

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Various payroll requests:

1. We have had request to be able to calculate overtime based on a daily threshold. We have seen numbers such as anything over 8 hours a day or anything over 12 hours a day. We have also see other requests to mix and blend both daily and weekly thresholds such as anything over 12 hours a day or anything over 40 hours a week. Both calcs need to play in.

2. On the time cards, it would be really nice if we added a few new totals and fields to hold other data. Currently, we are converting values (totals) into seconds and then calculating from there. It may be really nice to hold that value in a preformatted field and then run reports off of that. It would really speed up processing. Along with that, we may also want a couple of fields to help flag for overtime and even calculation what part of the record is overtime. The other request that goes along with time cards is being able to have a single date (searchable) and then be able to calculate totals that span from date 1 to date 2. This is common for people who work graveyard. For example: Clock in at 10 pm on day 1 and then clock out at 7 am on day 2. Currently, the system requires an entry from 10 pm to midnight on day 1 and another record from midnight to 7am on day 2. It would be really nice if we could allow bigger spans and have everything pre calculated.

3. We had requests to be able to keep track of sick time, vacation time, and what is still owed. Basically, keeping track of an accrual of what is still owed and what has been used. They also want to be able to set dollar value rates and have the system calculate when they earn those pieces such as available sick time and available vacation time. As they are earned, they get added to the available amounts. Currently, we are able to clock in/out for both sick pay and vacation pay, but no other calcs are done and no other data other than the actuals per pay period are recorded. This would need to be expanded and planned out better.