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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/17/2018 1:47 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3684
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Sales and discount reports
Start Date: 4/17/2018
Main Status: Active

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We have had requests for better reports to help show products, sales, and discounts per vendor or per part category. This will be really important as the new in-line dollars off discounts come in to play. We need to be able to show in-line percentages, in-line dollars off, in-line mixed discounts, and sales campaigns. All very important and needed. A good spot might be the advanced invoice line item search and the super invoice line item search pages and results. Both of those pages also export out to MS Excel and CSV.

As a side note, there is one discount report currently in the system. You can get there by going to the invoice homepage, then click the other sales reports button at the top. Once on that page, there is a discounts report under the sales by column. Very simple report but currently the only discount report that exists as of 4/17/18. (top_secret/custom/sales_salesperson_specific_discounts.cfm)