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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/11/2018 4:57 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3668
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Show more data - parts and invoice searches
Start Date: 4/11/2018
Main Status: Active

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We have had requests to be able to show more data on both parts and invoice line item searches. Both of those sections currently have advanced searches, but the output (fields and values) are hardcoded and somewhat limited. It would be nice if we allowed a pick and choose-type interface like we have on some of the other advanced searches. It would also be cool if we allowed all of those searches to be saved as favorites as well.

While on the same subject, we need to be able to more fully search RFID tags from the quick search, be able to search all existing sub inventory pieces, and other advanced searches and exports.