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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/2/2018 12:28 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3638
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 4/3/2018 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 4/3/2018 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Morning meeting... got reports from Alan, Steve, and Russell. I was working on some small changes and taking the rounding error off of the mini invoice (3" customer receipt). Other small changes.

Eric will be coming in at 10 am to talk about loyalty points. Eric and I talked for a couple of hours about the special account tracking project. This deals with loyalty points, gift cards, in-store credits, you name it... We did a lot of drawing and even got into some small scenarios. We went full circle... we decided that they all go together and then not all together and then back to all together. Eric was tasked with looking into things a little bit deeper to see what we can do and what plans we can make.

Shawn came over and was working on state payroll stuff.