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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/5/2018 9:41 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3569
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 3/5/2018 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 3/5/2018 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
live_data_feeds_and_graphs.jpg   Image/JPEG 3/5/2018 Russell did a small demo today with some graphs and charts that were data driven and you could interact with the charts and graphs. You could advanced things, run them backwards, forwards, and even click on the different data points with drill-downs to show the underlying details.


Morning GoToMeeting session with Steve, Alan, and Russell.

- I was doing emails and getting caught up...

- Talking about the data tables and coming up against problems when we get into tons of records and/or big datasets.

- We talked about refining different processes - including the create new deposit process - do we really need to show all of those records? maybe play in bulk or have some grid based defaults. We also talked about options of adding some tables and/or grids to the add/edit new deposit page. This could have money types going down (cash, check, visa, mastercard, etc.) and then dates going across. We could then sum things up and help build the sales deposits in bulk vs showing all of the transactional data. Think of small checkboxes per section (today's cash or yesterday's checks). That could really help. As a side note, we may need to revisit a number of other pages and see what we could do to help speed things up and make the processes smoother and smoother. Good stuff.

- Still on building new deposits, we also talked about adding in new settings to show payments to be deposited by user and by money types. Make this a personal setting. Another personal setting could be how they want payments grouped. Once again, this could be by user, money type, dates, etc. More setting options.

- Russell showed us some progressive charts and graphs that could be advanced daily, weekly, monthly, annually, etc. The new stuff uses Ajax and JQuery and just grabs aggregate data (summed up values and counts). It also allows direct drill-downs right from the data points on the charts and graphs. See attached for a small screen shot.

- Concepts of the self-serve model... Because of the lack of training, we end up having a disconnect between our self-serve model and then getting our people to the training that they need. We talked about the need for Adilas University and getting that training more out there for the people who are using it.

- We need the news and updates piece first. We can then utilize that as a new and upcoming training tool.

- We would like to use tags, flags, categories, authors, dates, and other key word searches for blog and/or forum type interfaces. Russell would like to build out the options to show private data out to the public through a blog type site and such.

- Build on what you have.

- Build as if for years.

- Shannon is going to be having a baby here soon... that may be a good advantage to us to help get some of the other training and tips more readily accessible and searchable for our clients.

- Gear the new training towards the way people think... That just makes it easier.

- Simple search, like Google, and then let them get to their answers quickly.

- The more we get into white labeling and working with other 3rd party solutions, we need a way to allow these new companies to provide their own help files, news, updates, and training that is needed. virtually, we need to get out of the way when needed.

- We may need a master trainer - or train the trainers type interface.

- Russell and I were talking about ecommerce and how we setup a system of parent attributes, sub attributes, part categories, etc. We took that same concept and rolled it into elements of time. There would be parent time attributes, master time templates, and the normal main elements of time. This will help us categorize and make the elements of time more searchable based off of the parent time attributes.

- On the news and updates stuff... it is like "selling" training and education. Make it look cool and inviting. Even add some great look and feel and make someone want to be in there digging around to get the know how and additional info.