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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/15/2018 9:03 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3537
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 2/28/2018 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/28/2018 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Steve and I were on the morning GoToMeeting session. Russell popped in and sent Steve and I an invoice for transferring all of the AFB (adilas for business) stuff over to the main company. I printed and signed and sent it back. We then talked with Russell about some graphs and charts and ways of getting that stuff going. After that, we had a small brainstorming session on a number of different subjects. See below for a couple of quick notes.

- Hook up Russell and Svend to get him into the support team on the hardware side. Basically a hardware consultant. Treat things more like a service vs a retail related business.

- We want to separate the system support and the hardware support.

- We may want to have Russell and Svend work on getting Svend into the adilas market (adilas world).

- Talked about a $1,000 per month as a rough budget for non billable hours at $25/hour (things that he can't bill and/or collect on). We also talked about a 0.5% or a 1% of total revenue as a carrot.

- We want to be pro active on the hardware side.

- We want a pricing list and list of recommended hardware and turn it into a web page.

- The independent model - we help them belong to something - plus they have their own thing on the side.

- We find a need and then find the person to see if we can fill that need.

- Hire that person (employee model) vs work with that person (independent model) - both ways you get to work with the person, the difference is the angle and the amount of freedom that is expressed.

- Find more people who want to belong to something, but may not need to be held on to (have a virtual babysitter that has to watch them).

- On the hardware side, we need that person to be flexible and allow for users to choose their own options and hardware.

- We are learning as we go... We are seeing that if there is a need and we can find someone to fit that need, they tend to play pretty well.

- We were talking about trial periods, starting budgets, possible percentages, and reviews and expectations.

- Let people know "what our model is..." that may be the first part of all our training and education - start here and then see how people respond to that model. Basically, here is what we do and how we do it, let's see if you are a good fit and like what we do. Steve was even talking about showing the model before the features, advantages, and benefits.

- Russell is starting at the beginning... Let's point him towards explaining and helping us show our model. That might be a great starting point.

- It seems like the main goal is constant refinement... that could be code, processes, people, filling needs, and pushing forward.

- We talked about the data tables... How do you want this data? What columns to show/hide? What visual display - graphical, charts, data, details, etc. How do you want this data as output? This could be web/HTML, visual eye candy, CSV, Excel, PDF, printable, etc. Pretty crazy. Virtually like a mini report builder of sorts.