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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/29/2018 6:16 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3496
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 2/5/2018 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/5/2018 1:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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Steve and I joined up on a GoToMeeting session. We then jumped into a conference call with a company. They needed some light custom code to duplicate a single entry into two different fields in the database. We talked with them and then started working on our own projects.

After that, I was fixing a bug in a trailer dealer's site and Alan and Steve were working on some API socket connections. On my project, somehow the main part number for the stock/units had been removed. I went in and made a small file to replace the old part number by copying a similar item from a different corporation. Once that was completed, everything else started going through ok. I then did some light tech support stuff, phone calls, emails, and getting ready to switch gears to get back on the sales tax stuff.

Most of the rest of the session was spent working on the session scope for the sales tax expansion project. Lots of documentation and making notes. I also helped Steve out with his plant phases project and helping him get clear back to the time template level to get the data that he needs. Lots of good stuff going on.