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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/3/2018 9:57 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 3439
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Add a system wide any search
Start Date: 1/3/2018
Main Status: Active

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Just an idea... What if we had a quick search option that did an any search. By "any" if could mean we check all fields and tables. If we get less than say 20 results, we could show them back per category. If we get over 20 results per category, we could show a category and a count. If clicked, the category would do a sub search and display all of the results for that category. Each category would be either a table, section, and/or specific groups. Basically, a way to search all tables and all subs from one spot. That would be pretty cool.

I think the trick there would be showing the results and providing proper drill-downs so that you don't hurt the system through too much processing. Just a quick category or grouping with a count might work slick as long as you could get to the underlying data with-in just a couple more clicks or something.

Another fun option might be mixed searches where you could virtually add in wild cards. This could loop over options and check for one or more results. If we got into this, we might want to play with regular expressions, dynamic looping, open ended like statements, or other pre-built text searches like verity or other pre-built functions. This little project might need some research instead of just jumping in blindly.

As a resource, see the top_secret/cfc/requests_2.cfc and the miniSearchMainElementsOfTime method for an attempt to do multiple database like searches within a loop.