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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/4/2017 11:18 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3285
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 12/28/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 12/28/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Talking with Steve on the morning GoToMeeting.
- Concepts of a trust and who owns what...
-- What about founders, co-founders, dependables, etc.
-- How do we bring people into the family or inter circle?
-- How do we let people go?
-- How do we pay people?
-- Defining the model
- Being a business solution like playing in social media - come learn about what adilas does
- The use of the word dependables
- Outside parties need to build on the main core platform
- We are all standing on the shoulders of giants
- We are working on a dynamic working model - we want to keep pushing that thing forward
- What about multiple people trying to do similar projects at the same time? How does that play out.
- Like landing an airplane... if you can hit the correct pattern, great, hit it. If not, just circle back around and try to line it up again. Basically, if you miss a pass, just do it again until it lines up. It is ok to make multiple passes.
- Eric and his pricing engine
- Russell and Chris Johnnie on their AFB stuff
- Calvin and his email and text messaging stuff
- There are a number of huge pieces that need to be nailed down and pulled in... they are things like adilas world, adilas market, and adilas university.
- We want to keep pushing the adilas monthly up so that we could push more monies around to our dependables and other outside 3rd parties.
- We may need to talk with some of our outside parties and figure out how to structure things. How can we join up and roll things together.
- On the billing, we need to setup some standards for who bills, what percentages get kept and/or paid back
- Put the monies into the payables and then allow some of our guys to go in and print their own checks.
- If their payables go over a certain amount or certain age, we move it to the balance sheet
- Define the core of adilas a little bit deeper
- What are the ground rules and how to play the game.
- We are seeing that our people want a level of trust and/or consistency - expectations and such
- Like a volcano, inside the circle, outside the circle, how do people move between things, how do we manage complacency and/or lack of motivation
- How can we help them (our players) see the bigger vision
- Danny Shuford - We are a business solution for solution minded people
- The Adilas API sockets will be coming more into the main picture. If we really push this out, we could harness so many more developers. We could really define what is available and what is possible. This is part of the Adilas platform and how it could work.
- We can help steer the ship
- The code is one of a thousand possible options. The concepts we are built upon are really worth way more than the actual code.
- Steps to success - telling and catching the story - allocate some time to this project - what have we learned and applied along the way