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Assigned To: Bryan Dayton
Created By: Bryan Dayton
Created Date/Time: 10/24/2017 11:10 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3146
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: SWC PO location
Start Date/Time: 10/25/2017 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 10/25/2017 2:45 pm
Main Status: Active

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GoToMeeting session with Bryan... Mike O'Conner and Anna from SWC were on the meeting with us. Mike was using a lumber mill type analogy (one or more trees make tons of other products) to help us understand what they were looking for. Once they come in (one or more items), they start splitting them into different sub locations, sub phases, and sub items. Basically, different WIP (work in progress) stages. They can rebatch using the current system, but they would like to move individual line items between locations, phases, etc.. This is more of a growing process vs a retail process. Maybe a sub location or sub phase option per line item.

Mike would like to see a one page conversion screen of sorts... where we can break something from one thing into other things... this is changing phases, changing sub locations, etc. We still need to track the whole batch or group, but it allows us to sub divide things as needed.

They currently use flex grid to track all of the different options (what came from what). Flex grid is cool but it kinda clunky... they would like it be smoother, more automated, and easier to use.


After the meeting, Steve jumped on with us (Bryan and I). He has tons of code and development to help with some plant management. He was working on it, but he stopped due to other fires that needed attention.

As a side note... those who have the knowledge of what is possible, are huge assets. Somehow we need to be able to share and get that information and training out to the general public. Without the knowledge of what is possible, what is done, and where things are going... they (the users) kinda sit and/or get stuck. Maintenance and education may be bigger than new features.

We could help with bulk moving pieces, bulk grouping, etc. Think of a bulk move option that allows for bulk pieces from stage to stage or place to place and then help track it all the way through the process. Elements of time is totally able to track all of this sub data and sub details. We may need to keep building this out a bit more. We may need a way to tie tons of PO's, parts, plants, etc. to a single element of time. Then as things move, we could help track it and keep linking into different groups or sets. Steve has tons of good ideas on this process.

Basically a way to move inventory through a process and be able to track the sub locations, sub phases, or sub groupings on a bigger global scale. Think of starting out with a bunch of items... then as it goes, we start grouping and sub grouping. When we get all done, we can fully tell exactly what happened and where things are at.

As a note from Steve to Bryan, maybe they could meet with Mike and Anna and go over some of the existing options for state traceability systems and what is already made and being used for those systems.

Other key players are Kelly Whyman and Dustin.

On plant batches
- they start as a group (bunch of baby plants)
- veg or vegetating state (they become an individual item or piece as they mature)
- when they harvest... they go from individuals back into a bigger bulk or grouped package.

We need some other dates on PO line items... Maybe we need to go to elements of time where we have unlimited dates, states, status, types, groups, flags, sub categories, sub locations, sub phases, etc.

We also talked about being able to split PO's into smaller pieces. Basically, start with a bigger group, then split things off as needed. Either way, we need bigger bulk manipulation tools. We still need to maintain histories, chain of custody, chaining of PO's, merging, splitting, etc. It could get a little bit crazy.

What about children item, mini conversions, etc.? This could cause some possible issues.

What about creating a PO group. Basically a one-to-many between PO's, line items, and PO's that are grouped together.

We may also need the sub additional tie-in's, assignments, sub pools, etc. This is the any assignment tool (any person, any place, any thing). This would be kinda like flex grid but with a specific goal and a simplified version. We gain power, flexibility, and ease of use. At some time, we will need to build out the other planned subs of time. Here is the link:

The deeper we get, the more we will need to help build individual tools, bulk tools, and ways to flip and move between them. We need to push things to the next level.

We have a problem with dates and inventory tracking... A single PO is only able to have one main inventory date. If you put tons of plans or items on a single PO, you only get one date. That is a problem because everything doesn't develop at the same time. If you go to one plant per PO, you can flip those dates (even in bulk) and it would effect the correct inventory tracking as dates change.

Another huge challenge is speeding up and making the internal build PO processes bigger, better, and smoother. This is a big part of the project. Basically, we need to bring things together so that we can sell the new output items.