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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 9/18/2017 9:47 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 3050
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 10/3/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 10/3/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On the morning GoToMeeting with Steve. We were talking about how quickly we could do a patch job for mini conversions. This is just a quick patch, not the real deal. Basically, you could create a new small table. The new table would have an auto id, a corp id, and the stored QR code value (text entry with a max of 50 characters or a varchar field). The QR code values would be in this format: qr_7777_77_7777 where it follows this pattern: "qr_subId_price_weight".

The new table would use the auto id as the new barcode value. We were talking about the ^ (carrot sign or symbol). Say something like: ^27 or ^3555. The barcode would be that value. We would need a special page to take off the carrot and then look up the QR code value. It would then translate what was needed and pass it to the normal QR code page that Steve and Danny created. This is a simple way to use a standard barcode (smaller than 15 characters) and have it do the same thing that a 50 character QR code could do.

The other things that were important were which pages to add code to help intercept the barcode searches and what pages to put links out to the new barcode generator. Steve took some notes and some screen captures of what we needed to do. Bryan Dayton and Steve will be working on this project. Both have already done some prep work and such. Steve built the original QR code page and Bryan has a small JSON object solution for storing and looking things up. The new patch would be to take that (both Bryan's and Steve's) code and make it into a new small mini table and a couple of pages to get the job done.

We also talked about a number of other fun things on the horizon. These are just some small notes to help us remember what we were talking about.

- We are excited to be working with Calvin and seeing what kind of fun internal 3rd party pieces we could come up with. We could do a texting service, bulk labels direct from adilas, exports to CSV files, and even getting back into GPS stuff. We talked about a bunch of options and even lessons learned from past projects.

- We've got Alan back on with the database project

- We've got Wayne working with the new frameworks and model view controllers (MVC's).

- Bryan with custom projects

- Russell with other projects, design, internal and project management

- Nick small black boxes and icon menus

- Steve made a comment that we already have a great popsicle. We just need to make it easy by putting it on a stick or on a popsicle stick. The easier we can make it, the better. It needs to have tons of functionality built-in behind the scenes... if we can make it look and feel easy, then we really win big. Keep it simple and easy.

- Another comment that Steve made as he was talking. This one came from Kelly Whyman, an adilas consultant. "The sales taxes and tax pieces must be like the nervous system in the body... it goes through everything." We loved that the comparison was to the body and how things work. Wayne Moore (Brandon's dad) has made similar type analogies comparing body system to internal adilas systems. You could make some analogies that way. Think of the skeletal system, the nervous system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the whatever system... It could be really cool to take it out to that level.

- Steve was also saying that the key to keeping things going is delegation and training. We then let each person keep improving their own processes and such.

- One other topic was dealing with possible look-n-feel/functionality of a one pager with multiple feeders, tie-ins, and even asynchronous loading and variable visual displays. Think of dashboards, drill-downs, charts, graphics, placeholders, movable pallets, expanding windows, etc. Thinking about future options and where we want things to go. Good session and lots of fun ideas and such.