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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Aspen Moore
Created By: Aspen Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/21/2017 3:13 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2958
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: General
Start Date/Time: 10/21/2015 3:10 pm
End Date/Time: 10/21/2015 3:10 pm
Main Status: Active

Sorry, no photos available for this element of time.

10:15-10:30 On the phone with Keith going over things. He really wants an automated notification system that deals with steps, phases, and statuses of an invoice. I know it is needed, I just can't get to it right now. Both sub phases and sub locations would be awesome to add. We need them for elements of time as well as for all the other main player groups. Lots of good notes on this subject from October 2014 (last year at this time). Good stuff.
10:30-5:00 Went into Logan. I spent the first hour getting Nick setup on a new code check project for Emerald Fields and their eCommerce stuff. We did some FTP stuff, some database stuff, and bridged some permissions. Nick worked on that while I worked with Bryan on some more clean-up on his Prescott Gun Club waiver and signature application. Bryan and I worked about 3 hours on his project together. I them did some work on some API socket connections and such, Chris Dunsey came over to the Shop and we had an hour long meeting. We talked about FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and how to secure some things up. We also did some catch-up and went over some fun memories and history of whats go on in the past two years. Chris was one of the original interns from back in October of 2013. Now Chris is a full blown lead developer and runs his own development projects. It is kind of fun to see how far these guys go and can go. That is fun to be part of that. Chris still does some small projects here and there for us. 30 miles.
10:30-11:00 Recording hours and trying to get caught up on stuff. Life is going at a super fast pace right now. I keep hoping to catch up (:
11:00-12:30 am Checking off code for a company called Hypur. The original code was done by Adam Tew.