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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 7/3/2017 7:23 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2847
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 7/3/2017 7:00 am
End Date/Time: 7/3/2017 12:15 pm
Main Status: Active

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On the morning GoToMeeting with Steve. Over the weekend, we had a couple of ideas about harnessing the work and actions of the adilas users. There is an small army of users that use it every day. One of our problems is how long it takes us to get new code and new changes put in place. What if they, our users, could help us? Wouldn't that be super awesome. They are in there working anyways, what if every time they go to the water hole, they take a load of laundry either to or from the washing area... (virtual analogy - we really aren't washing clothes or anything).

- Harness the users clicks - help them build out the system and/or help to do the data migration stuff. Think of the thousands of clicks that each user does each day. What if we could harness that? All kinds of different options and scenarios.

- We could set up a task to be done and then everybody could work on the same task. It doesn't matter who's data it is, they are system updates that a developer would be clicking through. No data would be leaked, it is just helping to take a load off of the developers. That would be awesome.

- It could be pretty cool if we could turn tasks on/off with the click of a button. We want it to be very light lifting, so that we don't hurt or tax any body too much. These are just some numbers, but we have a current migration project that has millions and millions of records. We are estimating around 40,000 clicks for the developers. We can process about 3,000 records in about 8 seconds. If you take 8 seconds times 40,000 clicks. It would be 320,000 seconds of total time. That is over 88 hours of constant clicking at 8 seconds per click. We could take that down to 50 or 100 at a time and have it only take a half a second or a full second and we could get the job done pretty quick. That would be pretty awesome.

- We don't have everything all worked out yet, but it could be a really cool feature. It is almost like having a dam and then running a hydro electric operation using the already naturally flowing stream or river waters.

- no more batches... do real-time updates and processes

- brick walls bring the challenges and then you have to have ideas to figure things out. That is huge and part of the learning process.

- burning platforms and coming up with solutions - sometimes you have to be forced down a channel and then you have to figure out what to do.

- everybody bring a brick... we are going to be building a pyramid...

- we could use the user clicks to migrate data, get people off the bus, and prep and setup the watchers and feeders and/or run the daily processes for the days prior. All kinds of stuff.

- Proactive approach vs. putting out fires all the time - make it part of the plan

- Different topic... what about using custom tags to build form pages. We could tie this in with the custom database fields and settings. This is for things like show/hide, rename, set max and mins, custom verbage, defaults, etc. Instead of using CFScript (what Calvin did originally), we could use custom tags and then have the database pull the data based on a sort and then populate the HTML or web pages using the custom tags. Program the logic once and then use over and over again. This relates to the db_field _settings table in the database. Currently, we only have one page that uses it and it is for add/edit customer field settings. What if we expanded that and turned it into a global option or feature. You could virtually reconfigure your entire site and database if you could get everything dynamic and cascaded throughout the whole system. That would be super cool.

Most of the day was spent as a work session. Steve and I met earlier this morning and then switched gears and just worked on projects. I was working on cascading the tax calculation rules (new database setting for calc taxes before or after discounts). I then switched over to working on the in-line dollars off discounts. Calvin called a couple of times and we worked through some ideas and options. Good session.