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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Aspen Moore
Created By: Aspen Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/8/2017 2:50 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2752
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: General
Start Date/Time: 12/15/2015 2:39 pm
End Date/Time: Unknown... (open or blank)
Main Status: Active

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9:45-10:30 Went into Logan to work. Emails, tech support, and phone calls. On the phone with Shannon talking about training and setup. I also made a sales call for Calvin pitching his label wizard to a company. Other random to do list stuff. 30 miles.
10:30-11:00 Working with Calvin on planning out some of his projects. I kept getting interrupted with phone calls and questions. I was kind of scattered. Calvin is working on capturing 2D bar code information. Calvin ends up on the toughest projects that take a huge skill set and often have many unknown variables.
11:00-11:45 On a phone call with Nick and Russell going over the Adilas World project and what we needed from Nick. We also went over an email from Russell that had specs and requirements for what was needed. The plan is to do a simple couple of pages inside of Adilas to get the code concepts down. We will then take the simple pages that have been coded and work with Russell to dress them up. The final result will be part of both the Adilas World and and the Adilas Marketplace. This is where outside vendors, 3rd party solutions, consultants, and reps can offer products and services to other Adilas users.
11:45-12:30 Working with Calvin again on a project that will create a print queue for writing checks in bulk. We spent some time and worked through existing processes and how to harness existing pieces, logic, and flow. Good session.
12:30-1:30 Working with Bryan on a new project that locks the shopping cart down. The new feature is a cross between a permission and setting and limits the ability to edit prices in the shopping cart. Bryan and I went through tons of pages and made a list of pages that needed to remain open, small tweaks, and absolute blocks and/or locks on certain pages.
1:30-2:30 Working with Steve on a couple tweaks that he had made on sub inventory. We then merged those in to the master branch and pushed the code live. We also talked a little bit about finances and funding. Steve is pretty excited.
2:30-3:00 Working with Daniel on the Beaver Mountain project. We were running late so we didn't really get into it very far. Quick update and light review of where we were at.
3:00-3:30 Helped Bryan get a permission set for his new no price changes in cart mode project. Other light project help to get him setup and going.
3:30-4:45 Working with Russell on the sales page and finishing up the photo gallery section. We then started working on the key players. The topic changed course as we talked about key player groups (12 main players) and then how the business functions are actually more what people want vs having the 12 main players. Basically, we offer certain business functions and basically use the 12 main player groups as tools to achieve the functionality that they want and need. I'm hoping to help Russell focus more on the business functions vs the tools to get the job done. Good session.
4:45-7:00 Working with Bryan to finish up his price lock down for the shopping cart. We went over pages, added permission checks and did some custom logic. We then merged in files into the master branch and push code up to all servers. This was a good project for Bryan. He was able to get into the project and bust it out in one long day vs weeks and weeks. That is awesome and I imagine that people will use it. Good stuff.