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Color Code: Red
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/17/2017 10:29 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2577
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Brandon's Custom Projects
Start Date/Time: 5/25/2017 3:30 pm
End Date/Time: 5/25/2017 6:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
board_2_campaign_rise_project.jpg   Image/JPEG 5/26/2017 Shot of the whiteboard session for the Campaign Rise project. Bryan, Alan, Dave Forbis, and Brandon were in on the planning session.

Went in to town to meet with Bryan, Alan, and Dave Forbis on the Campaign Rise project. We met at Bridgerland and used one of their rooms for a whiteboarding and brainstorming session. Dave lead the discussion, Bryan took notes, and Alan and I pitched in and asked questions. We used the whiteboard and got a whole lot out of the meeting. I think that by the time we were done, all parties had a better understanding of the scope and vision of the project. That was awesome.

After the meeting, I went over to the other campus and met with Nick for a bit. I had him show me around and we just chatted for a bit.

See attached for a photo of the whiteboard session on the Campaign Rise project.

Here were a couple of my notes:
- We are going to need time id's on every po/invoice line item. Invoices should be more straight forward than PO's. The PO's may need to hold multiple children where the invoice line items will be on a one-to-one relationship.

- Along with that, we may also need sub inventory stuff as well as mini conversion stuff per line item. Once again, the invoices will be one-to-one and the PO's may be one-to-many. Make a plan and then only get in there once to make all of the changes. Otherwise, it just takes longer because we will have to update millions of records over and over again.

- On sub notes and sub comments (a sub of elements of time), we are seeing some new needs coming up. This includes a way to cross tie, stack, and set statuses on the items. We are even seeing a need to build out a sub table to help with read, write, display, save, mark, or highlight type status. Imagine a single element of time with a single sub comment... Say you had 10 guys on your team... What if you wanted to record who had read it, who wanted to delete it, and who wanted to mark or highlight it? You would need another table to allow all of the users to virtually take some action on the single sub comment or sub note. Then take that same concept and start saying the words: forum, social media, inbox, messaging system, mini blog, etc. You can see that we need to beef that section up. We need to be able to stack, self connect, chain, connect to other comments, nest replies, and keep track of states and statuses per user. That sounds really cool.