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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/28/2017 9:29 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2478
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 4/10/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 4/10/2017 12:45 pm
Main Status: Active

Sorry, no photos available for this element of time.

On the daily developer session with Steve and Alan. We started out the meeting catching up from being gone for a week. We then rolled into a session on goals and projects that need some help and lovin'. Here are some of the notes from the session:

- Sales and who to call? We need to figure out some phone numbers and make changes within the site.

- Who is dealing with custom projects? We spent tons of time on this subject. Alan and I will be making more concrete decisions in a later meeting today.

- What is the process? Lots of talk on processes. Assigning projects, getting projects, working on projects, sign-off, etc.

- We have a breakdown in communication. We know we are dropping some balls.

- Internal projects...
>> mini conversions
>> sub part categories
>> sub queues
>> special accounts and loyalty points
>> world building and database stuff
>> rework sub inventory
>> dollar off discount stuff
>> other discount settings
>> icon menus
>> sales and promotion
>> pricing tiers
>> custom labels
>> smart cart stuff
>> post-it notes - little to do list stuff
>> flex grid stuff - additional settings
>> rentals and reservations
>> internal repairs - such as duplicate expense/receipts, reoccurring expenses
>> adilas API section - documentation and ease of access
>> help files and user manuals
>> forgot password or password reset
>> emailing invoices, quotes, and statements. We need to provide custom email addresses and maybe web versions of the pages (links to a .cfm page vs the PDF versions).
>> bitbucket - branches and issues and pull requests
>> Code sign-off and general communications.
>> training and education
>> server management and optimization

- We need to focus on the features and benefits that we do have to offer! The list is huge and most of those pieces are fairly stable. They may need some light tweaking but are fairly stable.


Brandon's typical day.
On a trail by 6:30 - 8:30
Meetings from 9-5

7-9 am sometimes early morning meetings
9-12 pm adilas meeting
-- brainstorming, work session, or putting out small fires
-- this session seems to be pretty productive
12-12:30 pm lunch
12:30 - 1 pm call with Calvin - 50% affective
1 - 5 pm with other developers on their projects
-- meetings with Russell, code sign-off, planning, reviewing progress, brainstorming, doing actual code, debugging.
-- meetings with Bryan, code sign-off, questions, training, helping with projects, guiding him on what is needed.
-- meeting with Alan, planning, counsulting, dreaming, code work, documentation stuff.
-- meeting with Nick. Planning, education, code sign-off, and working his projects.
-- meeting with Shawn. Code sign-off, planning, and finishing projects and fine turning stuff.
-- meeting with Dave Forbis and Shannon. Consulting, custom code, quotes, tech support, etc.
- If I check email, text, or voicemail... I usually take down the info and make a post-it note... That just gets added to the pile.

I've got these things to do on normal basis...
- emails
- text messages
- voice mail
- bug fixes
- custom projects that are assigned to me
- tech support - get calls from Steve, Shari O., Shannon, Developers, and other clients
- Pay bills & write checks
- Prep for upcoming meetings
- server stuff
- notes, documentation, and recording stuff
- graphics

- We tend to loose a lot of time in the transition between projects.

- We are going to have Alan help with some scheduled times for code sign-off. During those times, I will be working on my own projects.

- Use Craig as the "bucket" guy. Have him fill in where needed. Some backend business management stuff.