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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/26/2017 11:38 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2254
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 2/16/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/16/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Steve, Nick, and Eric. We stared out the day and Steve updated me on the rest of the conversation with the AFB guys. It sounds like we would like to do a pilot program that turns existing adilas clients into a virtual adilas on-site training center where clients could pay to be trained by people in their field. That has tons of potential and could be super awesome. It is just an ideas and concept right now, but it could work and be very effective in the future.

On the loyalty points and special accounts... maybe treat it like elements of time where you could setup as many templates as needed and then you have these virtual accounts for all kinds of things like: gift cards, loyalty points, affiliate programs, in-store credits, vendor credits, rewards points, etc. Let the people setup and maintain their own mini virtual accounts.

Eric and Steve chatted about the loyalty points project and some of the funding plans for getting it done. We also reached out to Nick and touched base on some of the projects that he is working on. He is going to be changing gears from API's back to internal project such as the black box and the adilas user guide stuff. We have tons of projects that are needed and/or available.

Towards the end of the session, we all broke out into our own little work sessions. I was scanning credit card statements and entering interest expenses. Steve was doing phone calls and Nick and Eric were doing their stuff. Good little work session.