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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/26/2017 11:38 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2253
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 2/15/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/15/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Alan. We went over some of the existing code that interfaces between a kiosk and a bank note recycler (BNR). We drew out some diagrams and talked about the old flow vs. where we want things to go.

I then did some light research on in-store credit and loyalty points. Lots of good stuff out in the adilas university area. It may take some time to do the research and gather things up. I can see the need for someone, most likely me, to do that research and bring things together.

There were also a number of entries here in the adilas shop that dealt with loyalty points. Lots of options to search.

Steve popped in and we started talking about new corp stats and getting some of that information tied in. We talked about adding in some new fields to the master corp table. We talked about multiple salespersons, commission percentages, tying to customers, reoccurring invoices, etc.

We then started to talk about dynamic interfaces, quadrants, navigation, accordion stuff, frames, drag and drop stuff, etc. We talked about flash interfaces, skins, themes, etc. We would love to build out some of the graphical carts, interfaces, navigation options, etc. Steve was even talking about how his ColdFusion Builder (development environment) allows for docking, moving, sizing, panels, expanding frames, minimizing, maximizing, show/hide options, etc. Basically, a fully functional and controllable interface, data sub sets, and custom page layouts.

We started to revisit loyalty points and special accounts with Eric. We got into the smart cart logic and a virtual pricing engine. We also started talking about how to build it out and how to record where things are coming from (QR codes, barcodes, buttons, certain pages, etc.). We talked about using the custom cart black box stuff... "session.myCart_st.myCustomCodeInfo_st" and then making and assigning custom arrays, lists, and other stored values.

Light brainstorming with Steve and Eric on the pricing engine and possible other values and variables for the smart cart logic:

new fields we could set on the whole cart level (new internal fields and flags)...

on the item level...
what about special flags and options...

on the child level...
what about special flags and options...

- Using simple lists with line references. setting up lists, dummy lists, real lists, list appends, list finds, etc. simple mini database stuff.

- These lists will be added into a virtual cart black box piece of sorts

- Speaking of lists... maybe we build a list of rules and exceptions - what about checkboxes and building dynamic lists. Using checkboxes allows us to show multiple things and still get a list of entered values. We love the simple rules and options.

- As a side note, they used a pencil up in space until they could figure out how to get a pen to work (temperature, gravity, etc.). It was that simple.