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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/26/2017 11:32 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2240
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 2/9/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 2/9/2017 12:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (3)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
adilas_pricing_matrix.xls   Doc/Spreadsheet 2/14/2017 This is a first round pricing matrix for how to price and sell adilas systems. We could tweak and change as needed. This is just a starting place and we'll go and tweak from there.
custom_label_maker_app_flow.jpg   Image/JPEG 2/13/2017 First little flow chart for how the custom label app logic will flow. It has a label homepage, an add/edit main page, an add/edit line item (custom fields and their settings) page, and a couple of action pages. Simple first round drawing.
label_notes.docx   Doc/Text 2/13/2017 More work on the custom label app. Some new ideas and brainstorming stuff.

Steve was talking about some different ways to run with projects. Whole and full projects vs. smaller planned out pieces. Kinda like just in time planning.

- From Steve - Adilas is done. It is finished at the level it is at. We can sell it right now. It is not broken. If we want, we can break a small portion and then fix that. Basically, build on what we have.

- Think of additions to a house. We take small steps and keep advancing the ball.

- Plan the work and work the plan.

- We have some great people that are involved. Let's help to focus and channel the talent that we have. Our job (Steve and I) needs to be helping them focus on a task at hand.

- We would love to work towards a 4-day a week schedule.

- We would like to add another $1,000 a month for each of us.

- Part of the focus is helping our people (our family) get to the numbers or financial level they need to be at. Help to stabilize the playing field.

- Steve and I will become more of the project managers. We plan and then help our guys/gals push the plan and/or project.

- A philosophy for business - a delayed response can be strategic at times.

- At some point we need to get some money for cleaning up the mess some of these clients leave with data and data storage. We may even need to develop a back-up plan.

- The emotional state of our mind - that could be good and bad.

- Sometimes the pressure is like a mini blowtorch - this is like job security.

- Laundry and dishes... we can only do so much per load. Keep pushing forward and load what we can. We can use some of our people and then load them up to the level they can handle.

- We have some really good people that we are working with... That is a huge part of the puzzle.

- If you help enough people get what they want, you end up getting what you want.

- Proactive customer care... reach out vs. waiting for the emergency call. What about other proactive options... care for what we have and do preventative maintenance stuff.

- When we do our planning... cut out the white noise... give them just what they want. Break things down into pieces and baby step it. We shift through the mess and help the cream rise to the top. Small return and report type tasks.

After the brainstorming meeting between Steve and I, we jumped in and did more work on the custom label app. Danny, Steve, and I worked together and even had Molly join and make some comments. A number of new comments were added to the custom label app notes (see attached).

Towards the end of the meeting, Danny and I were going over the adilas pricing matrix document (older MS Excel file). This pricing matrix was built quite awhile back but was never used. It has some good potential and took into consideration number of employees, number of invoices, number of locations, special add-on's, and other services that we provide. It was a good pricing sheet as well as a good sales tool to help remind the people of what they are getting that we aren't charging for. See attached for a copy of the doc in the current form.