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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 1/4/2017 1:55 pm
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2179
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Quotes with Dave
Start Date/Time: 1/4/2017 4:00 pm
End Date/Time: 1/4/2017 5:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a phone call with Dave. We did talked about some different quotes that were needed.

1. What would it cost to take customer discounts out to ecommerce? I quoted him 5 hours or $500. This project has been started but needs to be finished and wrapped up.

2. What would it cost to do web coupons and/or preset campaigns or promotion codes? This would include discounts with dollars off, percentages off, free products, discounts based on a category, or based on selected items. We could do date ranges, expiration dates, no dates, etc. We would need settings to help with discounts and dollars off that are based on per item or per cart (total purchase)?

Going back, see element of time # 979 inside of the - adilas community funded projects for a rough idea. That project is set at $20,000. I'll bet we could get that going and make some great progress for around $4,000. Also, by way of a note, Brandon has already built a similar process with his product. It has a full promotion code options with a full web-based system for tracking, showing, and setting up the promotion codes. We might have to borrow some code from the LTF project.