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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 12/29/2016 10:54 am
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 2129
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Adilas Time
Start Date/Time: 1/4/2017 9:00 am
End Date/Time: 1/4/2017 12:45 pm
Main Status: Active

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Media Name   File Type Date Description
playing_with_percentage_of_revenue.xlsx   Doc/Spreadsheet 1/4/2017 Small spreadsheet playing with numbers and how percentages of revenue may play into things. Pretty simple but spreadsheet has some light functions and options. This is dealing with a percentage based model that caps out at a certain value. The goal is to get people to where they need and then help others do the same by reallocating percentages and funds as needed.

The goal is not to have one person capture a percentage for life... The goal is more of a percentage to help encourage growth. Once we get to a certain level, we could renegotiate the percentage. Basically, the percentage is not fixed for life...

On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We chatted and talked until about 11:15. At that time, Alan came on and stayed working with Steve until about 12:45. I was mostly working on the update cart method and trying to figure out discounts and price changes (original vs. new and/or updated and/or discounted prices).

Earlier this morning, while Steve and I were on the call, we talked a lot about portions and percentages of revenue. We talked a lot about a stepped (goal based) percentage. For example: Say you wanted to make x thousands on a reoccurring basis, say we offered you a certain percentage based off of deposits and actual revenue. Say we did this until we grew enough to get you to that number. At that point, we could re-negociate the percentage.

Ideally, as the growth and goals happen, we could possibly even lower the percentage as long as the needs were still being met. For example: Say you wanted to get to $5,000 reoccurring. Based on your percentage of 1, 2.5, 3, 5, whatever, how much would we have to make to reach that goal? Say you were at 5% for a number of months. Once we reach that goal of $5,000 per month, we may reallocate part of the percentage to help lift and float other members and/or support other parts of the inner circle. This assumes that growth is still moving forward, but instead of getting 5% the next month above and beyond your goal, you would get a lower percentage but still be able to get the $5,000 that you were looking for. If you want to up that number, we could relook at percentages and base growth off of that based on the goals.

Basically, a growth based model that has some flexibility based on end goals and needs. Long story made short, instead of saying 5% for life, it would be 5% until we got to a certain level. If things keep growing, we might lower that percent and reallocate the additional percentages to other players and adilas family members. Basically get people to a comfort level and then help raise the other members. Everybody has a threshold and/or magic number of sorts.

We also talked about the word "dependables" and how that would play into the mix. We could virtually hand pick the dependables and then help them work towards their magic number (what they need to be comfortable). We could then help them get to that number and use growth and goal based models to get there. Basically, let them decide the numbers and values and then build a plan to get there. That gives us a goal and a place to work toward.

See attached for a small spreadsheet that does some simple calculations and projections based off of percentages.