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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 11/22/2016 6:05 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Time Id: 2020
Template/Type: Ideas & Special Notes
Title/Caption: Ideas for customer permissions
Start Date: 11/22/2016
Main Status: Active

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These ideas came from Russell Moore on 11/22/16. Basically, Russell was proposing an idea of adding simple numbers between 1-10 to help grant access to clients and what they could get at. Most of the permissions are for payee/users (people who work for a company or work inside the system). Russell had some ideas for people who work outside the company and/or customers or clients.

He had the idea of the simple numbering options and then also a simple password type system. Basically, each entry (time, projects, invoices, media/content, etc.) has an id number and could contain a small password. The customer/clients could then be assigned a password access or tie-in to help us know who has access to what. Anyways, without getting too deep, it was a simple 1-10 numeric value and a simple password field that we could key off of.

As a small side note, the adilas help files have an id and a password for every entry. Without the correct combo of both the password and the id, the correct help file will not show up. That is super simple, yet it provides enough security to protect what we are trying to protect. Good stuff. Keep thinking super simple. I love it.