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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Bryan Dayton
Created By: Bryan Dayton
Created Date/Time: 11/12/2015 11:35 am
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 195
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: payables consolidation
Start Date/Time: 11/12/2015 11:34 am
End Date/Time: 11/12/2015 1:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Pass-off plan

Notes: Met with Bryan and went over a few things. Here are some more ideas for code planning and sign-off.

- What branch are you on?
- What is your budget? Dollars? Hours? Max/Min?
- How will you spend your time?
- Recommendation: Step away from your computer to do some planning. It may help a ton.
- What is your plan? Overview/General
- What is your plan? Technical/Details
- What is your plan? Layout/View/Show
- What are the requirements?
- What are the extras, options, or possible add-on's?
- What are the wish list options? (dream a bit)
- What are the problems, hard things, or unknowns?
- Did you think about re-use or making things dynamic (code once, use many)?
- What are your client's goals? Timelines, budgets, milestones, etc.
- What are your goals? Timelines, budgets, milestones, etc.
- Are you doing the whole thing or are you subbing things out and getting help? If yes, where/when/who/what/how much? If no, make your plan and play accordingly.