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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Stephen Berkenkotter
Created By: Stephen Berkenkotter
Created Date/Time: 6/16/2016 6:30 am
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 1496
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: State API
Start Date/Time: 7/7/2016 2:00 pm
End Date/Time: 7/7/2016 5:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. He was working on his projects and I was working on mine. I ended up working on the customer bill pay feature for ecommerce. This is Bryan's project from back a couple of months but we never finished it up. Anyways, I got a lot done on that project and it is really close.

I also helped Steve with some code logic on some different pages. Steve would ask me questions as he needed help but both of us were doing our own thing. Pretty productive.

We also had some conversation about going back to our homes vs. being here at the shop in Logan. We only have about 3 of us here on a normal day. We have a number of other ones that come in, but that depends on the day and usually only for a couple of hours here or there. We could save a ton of time and money if we dropped the shop portion of the puzzle. We'll keep the shop as an entity, just not have a hub or office place to work out of. We may go back to this, but right now, it is too big of a weight to carry.

Anyways, good stuff and progress is being made on multiple levels and fields. I'm excited to see where things go.