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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Calvin Chipman
Created By: David Forbis
Created Date/Time: 6/1/2016 6:47 pm
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 1400
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Calvin Chipman
Start Date/Time: 6/27/2016 12:00 pm
End Date/Time: 6/27/2016 1:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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On the phone with Calvin. We talked about the possibility of moving our scripted database updates away from web updates and more to a software based update tool. We went over some pros and cons for both options.

Our eventual goal is to be able to move and migrate data between different databases using the speed and robustness of software. We will then tie in the databases to web or external usage. That would be the best of both worlds.

Anyways, we talked about level of coding (beginner, intermediate, advanced), languages used (basic or ColdFusion), features wanted, source databases vs. destination databases, and how each piece could play together.

We spent quite a bit of time talking about how this could be a stepping stone for a later project that required more detailed migration and even database to database transfers.

This whole migration process may be part of the sub inventory upgrade and changes. We are slowly trying to go from a path in the woods to a full on road or highway through the woods. We'll get there eventually.

As a funny note, we used to have some internal customers that called "eventually" a bad word. Probably with good reason. :)