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A couple of days ago, I had a small dream about using the adilas label builder to help people market and sell their products. Nothing too special, but I wanted to record that I was dreaming about it. We are currently on version 3, made by Cody Apedaile. The code is live but we haven't really had people go in and start working on it yet (testing and playing with it). The new label builder is pretty cool and has tons of potential. I'm hoping that we will have people in playing with things and building labels within a few weeks. It is currently at a MVP type level. We have a number of other things we really want to do with it, but it is coming. Just for the record: The adilas label builder - version 1 was done by Calvin Chipman. It was a standalone Windows app that connected to the backend adilas database through an API. Really good product but it was limited to Windows. The adilas label builder - version 2 was also done by Calvin Chipman. We wanted a more open web version. He subbed some of the development out in order to make a JavaScript or web version of his original product. It ended up costing quite a bit and we basically ran out of funding. It only got part way done. We were planning a revamp of that code - version 2. After looking into it, we decided to take what we liked, and build a whole new version. The adilas label builder - version 3 incorporates a new label homepage, a build new interface that is super flexible and powerful. It can handle static text, dynamic text, rectangles, circles, images, barcodes, QR codes, layering, stacking, and other cool dynamics. This is probably way too big, but here was an internal demo that we did back in December of last year (12/2024) to show off the label builder. Anyways, it is looking really good. I can't wait to help people use it and market their stuff, items, and products. |